Planning your mix of free and chargeable training

Planning your mix of free and chargeable training

Readysell training should use both charable and free training:

Charge free training


  • Self-training using our documentation linked to the key delivery benefits document. Eventually this has to be the primary approach we use. We can start you with the existing documentation right away. I will ask the documenters to make some pages that link the key benefits to our existing documentation. We will then send you a link to the relevant page on our help system. Readysell is willing and able to put a substantial effort to improving the self-help documentation based on feedback we receive from members.
  • Visits to model sites. Visit another dealer who has already achieved a high level of best practice in use of their Readysell system. Readysell is actively seeking to increase the best practice levels at member sites. Please contact Readysell so we can help you organise a site visit
  • State training roadshows. There will be regular training roadshow at least once a year.


Chargeable training


  • One on one remote training sessions provided by our trainers. I suggest one hour per session. Please contact Sharon to schedule any required training.
  • Training at Readysell. You could get just about all the training you need to implement all the Level 2 best pracice in a one/two day session at Readysell. This would give you the fastest results but may be the most expensive approach. There is room for a few members to get together and take part in shared training days at Readysell.
  • Readysell onsite training day/s. This is probably the most expensive option. But gives our trainer access to your full team and could be appropriate where delivering results as soon as possible is a priority.

Deciding on the right mix of training strategies for your business

You should plan on:
  • Having a trainer from Readysell on site at your business early in the project if possible. This can be expensive, but can give your training program the best possible start
  • Breaking up the training programs into modules. For each module in the training program, run a serials of training "sprints" of around one week in duration. Plan on:
    • A remote screen to screen training session with Readysell as you start each module
    • Three days of internal training using the training guide to assist with self training. You should be entering transactions into Readysell as you work through the training material. Don't just read the material, put each thing you are learning into practice as you go
    • A remote screen to screen training session with Readysell as you finish your self training using the training materials. During this session we will audit your progress and help you plan the next training "sprint"
You need to consider:
  • Using self training alone or training by Readysell alone is probably not the best solution. You need to find the mix that suits you
  • The size of your business, self training saves you more money as the size of your team grows
  • Be honest about available time, the more time you can allocate to the project on a regular basis, the better self training works
  • Be honest about your skill set, younger/more tech savy people get more out of self training

Self training using the training guide is recommended, but letting Readysell do all the training is an option that costs more but works better for a few sites.

You will be training yourself in how to use the Readysell system using this training guide. This has many advantages in terms of reducing the cost to you by requiring less Readysell training hours. Also once you know the training materials, you are in a good position to use those materials to train new staff or implement new features in future. But some sites find that self training does not suit their business. While it is more expensive and not as well suited to ongoing training in your business, you may decide you want Readysell to do all the training by remote dial in. 

We suggest you start out using the recommended self training program. But watch results at each weekly progress review meeting. Self training requires more planning. If self training is not working for you, it is better to recognize the issue and swap to using more on site training and/or remote screen to screen training by Readysell early in the project. 

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