Purchase receipting to support automatic stock adjustments

Purchase receipting to support automatic stock adjustments

If your business has a retail area, you may elect to use automatic stock adjustments on your POS workstations. Automatic stock adjustments allow you to sell stock before you receipt the goods. 

Required purchase receipting procedure

There is a procedure that must be followed when purchase receipting if automatic stock adjustments are turned on for any workstations in your business. The procedure is as follows:

  • Purchase a date stamp for the receipting area
  • Require that the receipting area set the date stamp to today's date every morning
  • Require that all purchase receipting documentation received with goods is date stamped with the stamp that has been provided as soon as it is receipted
  • When purchase receipts are entered into Readysell. The date on the purchase receipt must always be the date stamped onto the purchase receipt documentation. This may involve changing the default date which displays when you click the new button to create a new purchase receipt

Correcting errors where the wrong date is entered on a purchase receipt

If the procedure above is not followed, automatic stock adjustments may not reverse when the related stock is received. Resulting in incorrect stock on hand figures.

If the date on a receipt is entered incorrectly, the procedure for correcting the problem is as follows:

  • If the receipt has not been invoiced, use the correct button on the purchase receipt detail view to fix the purchase receipt
  • If the receipt has been invoiced:
    • Use the reverse button on the purchase receipt detail view to reverse the receipt. This will also reverse the invoice
    • Receipt the goods again, enter the correct date on the new receipt and invoice the receipt if required