Selling the Kit
Selling the Kit
Kit Products are products that are non-stock controlled products that are made up of various components and sold.
The kit products that stand for an assembly of other products that make up the kit are known as Components.
Refer to set up first of the kit
- Kits Master product must be set up as a Non-Stock Product
- The field of 'taxcodebuy' and 'taxcodesell' on both the Master Kit and the components must be the same tax code. That is if the TaxCodeSell on the Kit = GST then all the components that make up the Kit must have the same TaxCodeSell as GST and so on.
- The check box 'Allow Purchase from Sale' must be turned OFF for the Master Kit product and turned ON for all the products that are the components.
- You should never add a Kit Item product to any of the component products, you should only add the Kit Item components to the Master Kit Product.
- The check box 'Show on sales report' for the Master kit product should be off and turned ON for all other products.
- With respect to the Service module, do not make a Machine Master Product be a Kit Product.
- The Kit Product can be sold but not purchased.
- The Components can also be sold separately and the components can be purchased.
- The Kit product does not go to backorder or have any product movements.
- The kit components can be backordered and have product movements.
- The sell price comes from the Kit
- The cost/margin/gp% come from the aggregation of the cost price from the components.
- Ensure that if you sell in bulk, you apply the correct product unit onto the kit master. If the product unit is blank on the Kit items on the master kit product, the system will use the default sell unit on each of the components that make up the kit.
Selling a Kit Product
- Log onto Readysell>Sales orders
- Click on New
- Insert the customer code, customer order reference if any
Navigate to the sale order line level and the product that stands for the Kit itself
- On the Kit product on the line level, you will see the Price Ex and Inc, the Value Ex and Inc.
The components that make up the kit. The products will appear slightly indented on the sales order line.
The header value of the sales order is made up of the sum of the Kit Product Value Ex/Inc and any other stand-alone product you may sell.
All the products that make up the kit and the kit itself will have a supply type of 'In stock'. That means do not ship until there is stock on hand for all the components to make up the kit.
The components Price Ex and Inc will be $0 on the sale order line
The components Value Inc/Ex will be $0 on the sale order line
The following fields will be calculated on both the Kit and the components - cost ex tax ordered kit (is the sum of the cost of the components x qty ordered), Margin Kit (sum of the components (Value Ex - cost ex tax ordered kit), and GP Kit % sum(Margin/value ex)*100 %
When a purchase order is generated for the components, the details will appear on the components, not the kit.
Backorders will appear for the component, not the kit. When you ship the Sales Order, the general ledger effect on the shipment lines will be reflected from the cost on the component, not the kit.
The product movement will come from the components not the kit.- When you invoice the sales order, the sales revenue effect will be reflected from the kit, not the components.
, multiple selections available,
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