Reversing an existing customer credit

Reversing an existing customer credit


A customer credit can only be reversed if the GST period is still open

If a customer credit has been paid and is part of an allocation, the system will prompt you with a validation. If you choose to ignore the validation and continue with the reversal , the system will unallocated the associate credit from the allocation and allocate the reversal against the original transaction.

If you are reversing a customer credit that is in a closed financial period, you cannot date the reversal back into that closed period.

  1. In the navigation panel, Click on Debtors and Creditors
  2. Select Customer Credits
  3. Search for the transaction in question and highlight it
  4. Check the transaction re dates etc
  5. Click on Reverse action button in the top ribbon
  6. You will be prompted for a date. This date will be the date you wish to date the reversal. This is where the system will not allow you to backdate the reversal if the period is closed. You will be prompted with a validation.
  7. Enter a date that is in a currently open period.
  8. Click on OK to accept the reversal

The reversal will then be created. On the Reversal, in the Description field the word [Reverse] will be populated which preceeds the description that was on the original transaction.