Delivery In Full, On Time (DIFOT)

Delivery In Full, On Time (DIFOT)


The following DIFOT (Delivery In Full, On Time) reports on delivery statistics by classifying sale orders into the following "buckets"

  • "DIF < 24 hrs" - orders fulfilled within 24 hours
  • "DIF < 48 hrs" - orders fulfilled within 48 hours (includes orders in the prior buckets)
  • "DIF < 72 hrs" - orders fulfilled within 72 hours (includes orders in the prior buckets)
  • "DIF 72+ hrs" - orders that took more than 72 hours to fulfilled
  • "DIF Not Completed" - orders that are yet to be fulfilled
  • "DIF Future Dated" - orders that are due to be shipped in the future
  • "DIF Drop Shipment" - orders that were "drop shipped" and hence not eligible for DIFOT

DIFOT (Delivery In Full On Time) (A-011)

This report looks at all stocked lines within a sale order and classifies an order as "fulfilled" once all of those stocked lines are shipped.

DIFOT (Delivery In Full On Time) Catalogue Lines (A-012)

This report looks at only catalogue lines within a sale order and classifies an order as "fulfilled" once all of the catalogue lines are shipped.

DIFOT (Delivery In Full On Time) Contracted Lines (A-013)

This report looks at only contracted lines within a sale order and classifies an order as "fulfilled" once all of the contracted lines are shipped.

Image of report result

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Running the report

  1. In the Navigation panel, go to Reports then Analysis Reports.
  2. In the list of reports locate and double click on DIFOT,  below screen appears

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  3. Click 

  4. Select a parameter some options may be as per image

  5. Click on Show Report Using Parameters, screen as per below will appear. Select the appropriate parameter to generate the report.

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  6. Click OK to generate a report similar to the one above.

Use Case

  • Managers would like to review DIFOT statistics to evaluate the performance of their warehousing and purchasing.
  • Sales people would like to provide customers or prospects with expectations on fulfilment of orders