Min/Max Update Runs

Min/Max Update Runs


While many Readysell customers already enjoy the benefit of Readysell’s “average weekly sales” demand prediction algorithm for purchase runs, some of our customers prefer to use min/max for reordering products. The new min/max update run feature lets you take advantage of the best of both worlds. We’ll scan your product file for cases where you believe your min/max value could be adjusted to increase efficiency. You can then tweak the levels and update all your min/max values in one go.

When extracting the min/max run. There are a number of statistical measures that can be adjusted to get the result you need. See: Readysell Statistical Measures

This feature is not available in Readysell Lite. 

Getting Started 

Essential Reading

Readysell Statistical Measures



Refer to Common Buttons.

Extract ProductsExtract prices to be manipulated into this price change run
Finalise Update the products with the New Min and Max  
Reverse Reverse the update actioned by the Finalise button

Attach FileAttach a file to the run


TypeThis is the transaction type for Min/Max Update Runs (MMURUN (Min/Max Update Run))
NumberThe transaction number of the run
StatusThe status of the run 
DateCreate date and time-stamp 
NameDescription of the run  

Lines tab

ProductProduct ID and name for that line
SiteSite of the product location
Cur MinThe current minimum qty
Cur MaxThe current maximum qty
Rec MinThe recommended minimum reorder quantity by the system based on the specified criteria 
Rec MaxThe recommended maximum reorder quantity by the system based on the specified criteria  
New MinThe new minimum reorder quantity which defaults to the Rec Min but can be overridden by user 
New MaxThe new maximum reorder quantity which defaults to the Rec Max but can be overridden by user  
Message tab

This contains the summary of the update

Details tab
Count of Weekly Salesis the average number of sales per week over the date range that contained at least one line with the product in it.
Quantity of Weekly Shipmentsis the average weekly each quantity of products shipped over the date range ie., Quantity Of Shipments / Weeks

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