Creating a purchase run set

Creating a purchase run set

  1. In the Purchase Run Set window:
  2. Enter a name for your purchase run set.
  3. Select the purchase run source:
    • Back Orders only considers products that are on back order.

    • Product Movements looks at products that have had recorded sales during the specified period.

    • Products looks at all products.

       Show me

         Purchase Run Source
      Back ordersProduct MovementsProducts




      Average Weekly Sales(Excluding Backorders)(error)(tick)(tick)
      Average Weekly Sales(Including Backorders)(error)(tick)(tick)
      Back Orders Only(tick)(error)(error)
      Min/Max(Excluding Backorders) (error) (error)(tick)
      Min/Max(Including Backorders) (error) (error)(tick)
      Unordered Back Orders Only(tick)(error) (error) 
  4. Optionally, use the filters to restrict the products covered:
    • The Supplier Filter is used to select products from particular suppliers.
    • The Product Filter is used to select products that meet particular criteria.

      Currently Product Filter takes precedence over other filters and this may have some side effect
      e.g., Supplier Filter is used to target a particular suppliers but there are other suppliers extracted into the run, if this happens review the Product Filter then either clear out the Product Filter to let the Supplier Filter take-over or incorporate the supplier filter criteria into the product filter.

      An improvement request has been raised to address this going forward.

    • The Site Filter is used to select products at particular sites.

      This is applicable to multi-site stores, use the filter to restrict to a particular site e.g., WHS and EDU sites. If Site Filter is not specified purchase runs extract may consist of all sites.

  5. Optionally, enter a new value for the minimum weekly sales count.

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    The minimum weekly sales count takes the number of sales into consideration, ignoring the quantity. This is useful when the number of sales is fairly constant, but the quantity of products sold is highly variable.

    When running a purchase run, Readysell considers the number of sales over the specified period, ignoring the quantity. Readysell then divides the total number of sales by the number of weeks in the specified period to get the Average Weekly Sales Count, and compares this value with the Minimum Weekly Sales Count. If the average weekly sales count is higher than the minimum, the product will be ordered.

    • If the average number of sales per week is less than this number, the product will not be ordered.
    • By default this is 0.9 (we would recommend you decrease this to 0.5 or less.
  6. Enter the minimum weekly sales quantity.

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    The minimum weekly sales quantity takes the quantity of products sold into consideration, ignoring the number of orders. This is useful when the quantity of products sold is fairly constant.

    When running a purchase run, Readysell considers the total quantity of products sold over the specified period. Readysell then divides this quantity by the number of weeks in the specified period to get the Average Weekly Sales Quantity, and compares this value with the Minimum Weekly Sales Quantity. If the average weekly sales quantity is higher than the minimum, the product will be ordered.

    • If the average quantity of products sold per week is less than this number, the product will not be ordered.
    • By default this is 0.5
  7. Enter the weeks of floor stock required.

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    The weeks of floor stock considers the amount of stock held on site. Something about a supply rate of 90% in the first shipment, and fulfilling 80% of orders on a lumpy sales graph. This allows you to balance the amount of stock held with the amount needed.

    Readysell considers the total quantity of products sold over the specified period, and divides this quantity by the number of weeks in the specified period to get the Average Weekly Sales Quantity.

    Readysell then multiplies this average by the Weeks of Floor Stock to get the quantity of stock required on hand.

    If the quantity of stock required is higher than the net quantity on hand, the product will be ordered.

    • Readysell multiplies the average quantity sold per week by this number.
    • By default this is 5.0
  8. Enter the average weekly sales variance threshold.

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    Readysell considers the total quantity of products sold over the specified period, and divides this quantity by the number of weeks in the specified period to get the Average Weekly Sales Quantity.

    Readysell then multiplies this number by the average weekly sales variance threshold.

    • If the sales are greater than the sales variance threshold, the stock will not order
    • By default this is 2.0
  9. If Include Obsolete Products is checked, Readysell will backorder products with a status of Obsolete. By default this is not checked.
  10. If Only Include If Primary Supplier is checked, Readysell will only order products from the primary supplier. By default this is checked.
  11. When you have finished, click Save or Save and Close to save the purchase run set.

Once you have saved a purchase run set, you can use it for multiple purchase runs.

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