Set up your Sizes
Set up your Sizes
Navigation Panel > Administration > Sizes
Click on the button New
Give the size a Name (i.e. Size 10 or S for Small etc)
Give the size an Abbreviation (i.e. S10 - this is used on the colour Size Matrix in Styles)
Give the size a Code (i.e. size10 - this is used as part of the Product ID when you are allowing the system to auto-generate the child products for this style)
Give the size a Description (you do not have to fill this in if you do not wish to)
There is an Archive tick box that is there for down the track when you decide you no longer want to use that colour. You will only be allowed to tick this when there are no products assigned to this size.
Click on button Save and Close
Repeat the steps above for each size you need to create
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