Easy, Basic Stocktake Documentation

Easy, Basic Stocktake Documentation

Create a mud map of all areas with each of the locations on it
Mark each area of the shop with locations - there are labels with the barcode for the location so that you can scan it at the time of stocktaking that area.
If you are NOT USING LOCATIONS, make sure your mud map is done but you can use A, B, C or 1, 2, 3 as the areas on the mud map
Then mark each area on the floor with a sticker with that area number/letter

One person must be allocated to control the stocktake. They will do the following:

  • Mark off the areas counted

  • Check over the counted stocktakes before then Finalising them

  • Once the whole shop has been counted, run a Final Stocktake and check it over.

  • And End the Stocktake

Navigation Panel > Inventory > Stocktakes
Click on Start Stocktaking
As long as there is a Site filled in in the Site field, this means you are starting a new stocktake
(NOTE: if it the Site is not filled in, you should click on End Stocktaking first, wait a moment and then click on Start Stocktaking)
Leave the stocktake mode as Windows Full
Click on button OK

The system now takes a moment to flag all of your products as not counted

  1. Click on button New

  2. Scan the products in, making sure to scan all products in that area you are working on - as you scan the item it adds it into the lines tab on the stocktake and the Qty Counted will update as you keep scanning
    If a product cannot be scanned, manually key it in and put the qty into the Qty Counted field
    The Old Qty is the qty on hand before counting/scanning
    The Qty Counted is how many you actually scanned/counted
    Variance Qty is the difference between the Old Qty and the Qty Counted
    Bar Code Scanned is the barcode number you scanned for that line of product.

  3. Once that area is scanned, Click on button Save and Close

  4. Go back to the person managing the stocktakes and tell them it is done

  5. They then can run their eyes over that stocktake you just did and Finalise that stocktake number

Then start from step 1 again. Repeat steps 1 through to 5 each time you stocktake an area/location

Once all the shop is counted/scanned...
Click on the button Generate Final Stocktake
This will show you all stock that you have not yet counted.
Review this stocktake.

If it is correct
You don't in fact have that stock, then leave the Qty Counted as 0 for all those products, and click on the button Finalise
Then click on button End Stocktaking

Then delete that final stocktake (as it is still open), start at step 1 again, go back and count the area/stock that you did not count, run through to step 5
Once all the shop is counted/scanned...
Click on the button Generate Final Stocktake
This will show you all stock that you have not yet counted.
Review this stocktake.
Follow the steps above until you are happy with the Final Stocktake, Finalise that Final Stocktake and then click on the button End Stocktaking.

Should you find any stock you did not count after you Ended the stocktake, then process a Stock Qty Adjustment for that stock.


If you want a report on all the stocktakes you did for that whole stocktake, then go to Form Reports, click on Report ID: F-04 and the report is called Stocktake Report

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