Sending a general email to active Suppliers only
From the Navigation panel
Open up Relationships
click on Email Batches
click on button New
Change the Type to be General
Change the Email Subject to what you want it to be
tab General is where you can type in the text for this email
You can add it in as a Html or just add images or attachments of any types of files.
If you send a blank email the supplier may or may not open the attachment as they may think it is spam, please make sure the body of the email has something in it to let them know it is in fact from you and is something you want them to open.
Tab Preview shows you how it will look
click on button Extract Batch
Use the query as below. You can updated it to add in any further detail to minimise the number of supplier cards that are getting this email like who actually get it - the accounts receivable or sales or management etc.
Please call Readysell if you are unsure as to how to do this.
The text of the query reads as:
[Card.Is Supplier] = True And [Card.Status] = 'Active' And [Card.Primary Contact.Is Account Receivable] = True
We would recommend that you send this to yourself only in test to make sure that it is sending what you want sent.
The run it in live once you are satisfied that it is how you want the email to look.