Applying Bank Details and a different Email Address to Invoices/Statements/Remittances

In order to have the Bank Details display and print on Statements, Remittances and/or Invoices, there needs to be one General Ledger Bank Account flagged a ‘Primary Bank Account' on the settings tab on the chart of account.

The chart of accounts is reviewed and set up at the time of the Financial Engagement meeting.
You can only have 1 primary bank account within Readysell.

Changing the Default email address for the bank details on an invoice.

The email default in the “MAIL” is use which other options are left blank. These are the steps required to change the email from the defaults.

  • Navigate to the reports section of the “SYSTEM TYPES” module. (Administration > Advanced > System Types > Reports).

  • Highlight the “TAX-INVOICE-PAYMENT-EMAIL-DEFAULTS” and applied the required email address in the field provided.

  • Save the changes and then test the changes (open a tax invoice in previewer and check the payment details).