Office Brands Integration

Office Brands Integration

Before you can use these features, you WebX integration must be configured. Please see Setting up Office Brands integration for details.

Key Features

  • Sales orders automatically imported into Readysell
  • Catalogues and flyers are automatically downloaded into Readysell
  • Full data portal product list flows to your price book and can be used to review or update your product prices, costs, barcodes and other fields
  • Store products flow automatically up to WebX
  • Contracts flow automatically up to WebX
  • Sales invoices upload to WebX, allowing customers to do reprints of their own invoices from the web
  • National Accounts and Local Buy sales are automatically reported
  • BI data is uploaded to Office Brands, giving you access to insights from Office Brands Business Intelligence
  • All messages tracked in detail, allowing Readysell to work closely with Office Brands to help chase up any issues you have

The topics in this section describe the tests that need to be done to check WebSphere integration. These should be done once setup has been completed.

Administration details


What it is

Office Brands Message window

The messages log file that indicates whether the process was a success or failure. Customers can use this log to watch the process.

The following tasks are set up when the site goes live on the interface. We run these manually when testing or training so that we can see the results immediately. The customer does not have to run these tasks themselves.


What it is

When it runs

Office Brands Sync

Sends up products and prices (excluding images), contracts, base price level contracts and contact changes.
Brings in any unpinged web orders.

Every 15 minutes during the day

Office Brands End of Day Sync

Sends up product images, customer invoices and National Account/Local Buy sales. Downloads updated product images.

Once a day, at the end of the day

Office Brands Category Sync

Synchronises categories in Readysell with those on the Office Brands member’s web site.  If a customer wants a new category to use in Readysell, they should create it in Web Admin first and let the Category Sync task create it in Readysell.

Once a day, at the end of the day

Office Brands Business IntelligenceUploads BI sales data.Once a week on Sunday night

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