Setting up Web ID and Web Customer Name for a customer

Customer WebX integration enablement requires the following customer's card contact details to be set-up 

  • Web ID - Log On Id the customer uses to log onto your website.  This is required for importing/receiving web orders into Readysell and uses the web id to identify which customer goes onto this web order in Readysell Sales Orders module.
  • Web Customer Name - Organisation Entity Name of the customer.  This is required for Readysell to connect to the website and upload data such as products, contracts and invoices.


  1. From the Navigation panel, open Relationships, then open Cards
  2. Search and select a customer card or Create a new customer 
  3. Click on the Contacts tab
  4. Click on button New to create a new contact
  5. Enter contact details specific to WebX using information in the Web Users list provided that Readysell is able to get from your head office (ON, OPD & ONET stores only)

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    Ensure that the Web ID and Web Customer Name are keyed-in as specified in the Web Users list to avoid login authentication errors as WebX is

        . case sensitive

        . sensitive to leading, imbedded and trailing blanks or spaces


    1. Enter Name as specified under FIRST and LASTNAME of the associated LOGONID
    2. Enter Web ID as specified under LOGONID of the associated Name

      Web ID should be the same as the User ID located on the customer web order notification email 

    3. Enter Web Customer Name as specified under ORGENTITYNAME of the associated LOGONID

      Web Customer Name should be the same as the Company located on the customer web order notification email 

  6. Click on button Save to save the changes

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