Min Max including sales back orders

Min Max including sales back orders

Navigation Panel > Administration > Run Sets > Purchase Run Sets

  1. Click on the button New

  2. Give the run set a Name like: Min Max including sales back orders

  3. Make sure the Purchase Run Source is set to Products

  4. Set the Purchase Run Type to be Min max invluding backorders

  5. Include Indent Products - Indent Products are only purchased from suppliers if they are on sales back orders. They are not considered as part of the average weekly sales part of this.

  6. Only Include If Primary Supplier - this means the system will want to order products where this supplier is the primary product supplier. If the supplier is one of many suppliers on the product and is not the primary product supplier, it will not consider that product.

  7. Include Obsolete Products - is used where some of the products you sell or put on back order may be set to Obsolete by your head office but you may wish to choose to sell them anyway

Tab: Supplier Filter

  1. Where there is an And point to it and you’ll see a + x show

  2. Click on the +

  3. Select the option Add Condition

  4. Where it says Display Name - left click on it and select either field of Card ID or Name

If you chose Card ID

  1. Where it says Begins with - left click on it and select = Equals

  2. Where it says Enter a value - left click on it and key in the supplier’s Card ID

For example:

If you chose Name

  1. Where it says Begins with - left click on it and select Contains

  2. Where it says Enter a value - left click on it and key in the supplier’s card Name or part of it that makes it unique from other supplier card names

For example:

Tab: Product Filter


You only need to place a filter in here if you wish to narrow down your purchase run by category or by product

Tab: Site Filter


Only needs a filter if you have more than one site and only want to run a purchase run based on solely one site only

Tab: Settings

Warehouse Site: which site are you ordering for

Recurring (tick box) - tick if this is a recurring order run set

Archived (tick box) - tick this if you no longer wish to use this run set and stop it from being used in the future.