Purchasing from any supplier

Purchasing from any supplier


FILTER-PRODUCTS-FOR-CURRENT-SUPPLIER system reference provides the flexibility to purchase from any suppliers and not just from the primary supplier. This is handy when you have a product purchase order that does not meet the primary supplier minimum order quantity requirement.


System Reference


FILTER-PRODUCTS-FOR-CURRENT-SUPPLIERFilter the products on a purchase order to only show those for the currently selected supplier.

True (default)



The steps to set the system reference are as follows:

  1. From the Navigation panel, click Administration , Advanced then System Types
  2. Select PURCHASING from the list panel
  3. Select FILTER-PRODUCTS-FOR-CURRENT-SUPPLIER from the main panel
  4. Change the value to False to turn off the filtering of products on a purchase order to enable purchasing from any suppliers

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  5. Click Save to save the change