Shopify Integration (Web Order)

Shopify Integration (Web Order)

Task name : Shopify Integration

Workflows : Readysell connect to Shopify API, pull the web orders, convert them into Readysell orders using Readysell Create Order API internally.

Parameters :
1. Bypass SSL : to ignore SSL requirement when connect to Readysell API internally (CreateOrder and CreateUpdateCard )

2. Localhost Username and Password : username and password to be used when connect to Readysell API

3. End Point Url and Token : Shopify API end point and token

4. Last Order ID : Shopify last order ID that retrieved by task. Typically this field should not modify by user, unless user need to roll back orders to be fetched by Readysell. This field will auto update by task.

5. Order ID Retrieve : specific Shopify order ID need to be fetch by task.

6. Order Prefix : prefix to be used by Readysell to order reference number

7. Shipping Product ID : Product ID to be used by task for order shipping cost

8. Tender ID After Pay, Gift card, PayPal : Tender ID to be used by task for these specific payments in order

9. Tender ID Payment : default Tender ID to be used for payment

  • Readysell will create order line with Product ID : DISCOUNT for any Order Discount from Shopify

  • Readysell will calculate discount percent at order line for any Line Discount from Shopify

  • Readysell will create order line with Product ID : EGCDISCOUNT for any Order Discount that have order line product EGC with proportional / pro-rata value

  • Readysell will auto create customer if not exists (query by email address in Card’s contact)

  • Readysell will auto create product ID : DISCOUNT and EGCDISCOUNT if not exists

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