Getting started with purchase invoices

Getting started with purchase invoices

The topics in this section provide you with information about how to use the Purchase invoices functionality within Readysell.

When receiving stock, you date the receipt the date the goods physically arrived. However, there will be times when you dont have the suppliers invoice at the same time of receipting the stock. When the Invoice from the supplier finally arrives it could be well into the next month but back dated to the prior month.
Readysell suggests that you set a cut off date as to when you will allow back dating of supplier invoices.
Readysell suggests around 5-7 days into the next month allow to back date a supplier invoice, from then on date the invoice the first day into the current month.
Final decision is really up to you.

The GST Paid will reflect the date on the invoice.

In respect to go live date if you are converting from one system to Readsell, if a invoice arrives late, there is to be no backing at all. You must date the supplier invoice the first day of go live with Readysell.