Readysell Purchasing Guide

Readysell Purchasing Guide

The Complete Guide To Purchasing

Manual Purchasing 3-12
Manual Purchase Orders 3-12
Extracting Sales Back Orders Onto Purchase Orders 5- 6
Adding Notes To A Purchase Order Line 7- 8
Drop Ship Addresses 9- 10
Printing/Faxing/Emailing Purchase Orders 11-12
Automatic Purchasing13-39
Purging Existing Order Work Files (Optional)15-15
Step 1. Automated Regenerate Order Work File (MUST DO/OPTIONAL)16-22
And/Or Manual Rebuild Of Order Work File From All Stock Movements (Optional)22-23
Step 2. Print Reorder Work File (Optional)24-25
Step 3. Browse Purchase Order Work File (MUST DO)26-26
Step 4. Build Orders From Work File (MUST DO)27- 30
And/Or Build Transfers From Work File (Optional – For multi sites only)31-33
Report Transfers From Work File By Product (Optional – For multi sites only)34-35
Consolidate Duplicate Products On Order Work File (Optional)36-36
Step 5. Browse And Edit Orders (MUST DO)37-38
Step 6. Close39-39
Receiving Goods/Invoicing With No Existing Purchase Order 40-43
Receiving Goods & Invoicing At The Same Time From An
Existing Purchase Order 44-47
Receiving Goods And Not The Invoice 48-50
Receiving The Invoice After The Goods Have Already Been Received 51-55
Reversing A Purchase Invoice 56-61
What Do I Do If I Have Been Over Charged?62-62
What Do I Do If I Have Not Received The Goods But Have Been
Invoiced For Them?62-62
Supplier Credit Requests63 - 72
Inserting New Credit Requests 63- 68
Printing/Faxing/Emailing Credit Requests To Suppliers69-70
Finalising Credit Requests71 - 72


From the Readysell Main Menu
Click on <Purchasing>
If the suppliers have the back order flag turned on in the suppliers details, then it means that the system will remember what has not been supplied to you as yet from a purchase order. i.e. you order 10 products from a supplier who has the back order flag turned on in their details on your Readysell system, they supply 6 of the products to you the first time. The system will then remember the last 4 products for when the supplier finally supplies them to you.

Manual Purchasing

Click on <Insert>

On Tab {1 General}
Key in the [Expected Delivery Date]
Key in the [Supplier Code](The Charge To Field will fill itself in from the details in the Suppliers details.)
The [Suppliers Minimum Order Value] will automatically change to whatever was set inside the Suppliers' details.
Click on Tab {2 General Cont.}

Key in the [Order Reference](This can be used to identify the reason for this purchase order)
Click on Tab {4 Reorder Details}

This tab shows you all the details for each product as you enter them in
Key in each product and the Qty Ordered.
On the right hand side, if there is an image that goes with that product, it will show in that top right hand box.

Extracting Back Orders Onto A Manual Purchase Order

Click on <Extract Backorders>

<Tag> the products you wish to add to this purchase order – these products are the ones that are on sales back order that have the supplier code in those products (in the product file).

If you click on "Show All Suppliers"
This shows all products that are on sales back order for all suppliers. You may wish to use this where a different supplier such as TESTSUP may be able to supply a product cheaper to you than the normal traditional supplier. This means you can extract those products to this purchase order as well.

<Tag> those products and click on <OK>

Adding Notes To A Purchase Order Line

Click on Tab {7 Notes}

Put the cursor somewhere along the line that you want to attach the note to.
You can only attach a note to a line product. You cannot attach a not to a blank line as it will not save and just delete itself.

Now click in the [Notes field] and type in the note to attach to the product.
You will know which line you are attaching this note to as the product temporarily and partially disappears from this window until you finish the note.

Drop Ship Addresses

Click on Tab {5 Notes}
You key in the customers details here – <<Shift>> & <<Enter>> will move you to each next line.
Note: If you wish to use this deliver to notes, you will need to let Readysell know so that the appropriate field is on your purchase order layout.
Back on Tab {6 General}

Click on <OK> when you have finished the purchase order.

Printing / Faxing / Emailing Purchase Orders

Click on Tab {9 Printing}
Click on <Purchase Order>

Click on "Excluding Tax"

You get 2 options


This means you want to print only what is still owing to you from the supplier. (E.g. you have already placed an order, the supplier so far has given you 20% of the order, this option allows you to reprint the last 80% of the order to re-send to the supplier.


This means to print all lines on that purchase order even if some of them have been received.

Use the drop down box to select the correct printer if you are printing this purchase order.
Click on <OK>

The default purchase order layout is highlighted.
If you are happy with this selection...
Click on <+OK>

Your purchase order previews to screen.
From here you can choose to print the purchase order, print the purchase order and fax it or email the purchase order off to the supplier.
If you selected to email this purchase order, click on <Email Dir>. This is the fastest way of sending emails through Readysell.
Key in the Subject
Click on <Send>
This will also send yourself a carbon copy of this email toyour email address on tab {Extra} in the BCC field.
Click on <Close> only if you have emailed off the purchase order.

Automatic Purchasing

To use the automatic purchasing module it is important that your Product file is set up correctly re min, maxs, reorder quantity, retail/pack breaks etc. before you begin.
Your suppliers will need the correct reorder codes (W = Weekly, M = Monthly, D = Daily, F = Fortnightly, etc)
Please check with Readysell before taking on this process to make sure that you are set up correctly for this.
Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the best method for me to create the reorder report.
  • Is it by bringing my stock back to the maximum shelf level? Is it by replenishing just the products that have sold"
  • Is it by creating a speculative suggestion based on the sales for a "similar trading period" such as same time last week, or same period last year, and
  • Do I want to create the shelf stock based on a certain number of weeks of stock?

The answers to these and more questions will determine which reorder method is best for you.
There are suggested reorder reports based on the following.
1 – Min to Max 2 – Or Min to max inc. Back orders
3 – Or Min Levels 4 – Or Min Levels Plus Sales Back Order
5 – Or Sales back orders 6 – Or Sales
7 – Or Special Orders 8 – Or Max Levels
9 – Or Special Orders Manually Flagged to Reorder 10 – Avg Weekly Sales (- RECOMMENDED)
11 – Copy Sales Backorders (Note, for Invoices SALINV)

From the Readysell Main Menu
Click on <Purchasing>

Click on <Close>

Click on <Generate Orders>
It would be wise to clear all outstanding Purchase Orders before Generating new ones.
Run the <Purge Order Work File>
Then run Step 1.
<Automated Regenerate Order Work File>
Instructions as follows on next pages...

Optional Purging Existing Order Work Files

On the "Menu Purchase Order Generation" window (as pictured on the previous page)
Click on Optional <Purge Order Work File>

Click on <-No>

Click on <Close> to clear everything
Otherwise use a query to only clear what you wish to clear.

Step 1. Automated Regenerate Order Work File

Click on Step 1. <Automated Regenerate Order Work File>

Key in the Supplier code in the Start From Supplier field that you want to run this purchase order for.
Leave this as blank if you want to generate orders for all suppliers.
Key in the Supplier code in the End At Supplier field – making the same as the starting supplier code means you are running this for one supplier only.
Leave this as ZZZZZZZZ if you want to generate orders for all suppliers.
This is flagged ON if you have any products sitting on back order that you don't ordinarily carry as stock and has the re-order flag in it turned off. This may also be applicable for miscellaneous products and non stocked items.
This is flagged ON if you want to draw on products in the sales back orders area once so that the purchase order is not doubled up.
This is saying that you only want to reorder products that are currently in your Catalogues and Flyers. This means do not order anything that is not in your Catalogues or Flyers. i.e. anything that is on promotion.
This is saying to reorder products that are not in your Catalogue or Flyers – i.e. anything that is not on promotion.
Click on <OK>

Click on <10 – Or Avg Weekly Sales>

Key in the Start Date of the period you want the system to calculate your stock/sales levels for.
Key in the End Date of the period you want the system to calculate your stock/sales levels for.
Key in the amount of Floor Stock Weeks the system is to look at. (example: 5 means look at ordering 5 weeks worth of floor stock)
Key in the number of Minimum Weekly Sales (Example: 0.9 means anything greater than 0.9 of a sale based on per week sale for the period of time you have specified)
Key in the Minimum Number Of Sale Transactions Per Month. (Example: 0.5 means anything greater than 0.5 sales per month within the period of time you have specified)
Click on <OK>

<1 – Print Only Products To Be Ordered>
Prints/Previews the report showing products that will be ordered through this automatic generation of purchase orders system.
<2 – Print All Products>
Gives you a report showing all products, but on the right hand side saying whether or not they will be ordered.
Click on <1 – Print Only Products To Be Ordered>

Click on <Close>

The process generates...

Make sure "Weekly Average" is selected
Click on <+OK>

Use the drop down box to select the printer you want to use
Click on <OK>

Reorder work file generates

Print the report.
Look at the Ordered Column for the amounts generated.
SITE: this is your site – if you have just one site you are WHS. If you have more than one location for your business, then the site will be whatever you have chosen for this site.
PRODUCT: this is the product code that is being ordered
O/HAND: this is the current quantity on hand
O/ORDER: this is the quantity that is now on order for this product from a purchasing point of view (not sales)
O/TRANS: this is how much is on transfer from one site to another (multi site)
O/ALLOC: this is the quantity that is currently allocated to any transactions in sales & sales back orders
TOTAL: this is the total of O/Hand, O/Order, O/Trans and O/Alloc
QUANTITY HO O/HAND: this is the total quantity on hand of stock for Head Office only (if multi site)
PS/BORD: this is the stock that is currently sitting on a picking slip and on back order for that product during the period of time given
C/BORD: this is Customer Back order – any customer back orders for that product during the period of time given
P/SLIPS: this is the number of picking slips with those products on it to be ordered
TOTAL: this is the total number of sales with those products on it to be ordered
WEEKLY: this is the TOTAL sold divided by the number of REPORT WEEKS
FLOOR STOCK: this is the amount of stock that you should have on the floor for the number of FLOOR STOCK WEEKS specified (Calculation: FLOOR STOCK WEEKS = SALES QTY WEEKLY x FLOOR STOCK WEEKS you are wanting to hold)
ORDERED: How much is being ordered on this generation of orders
MINORD: minimum quantity on that product – draws from the product file itself
System references that may help in this area :-
Type 'PURCHASING' code 'CHECK-MINIMUM-ORDER-QUANTITY' set the value to  0 to stop  minimum order quantity being checked,
Type 'PURCHASING' code 'QTYMINORD-IS-IN-SELL-UNITS'. Set the value to 1 to regard qty min ord to be in your stock unit, not in your buy unit.
So if the retail break is 100 and quantity min order is 100.  If the value is 1 them a qty min ord of 100 is 1 box of 100 units. Otherwise a qty min ord of 100 would be 100 boxes.

And/Or Manual Rebuild Of Order Work File From All Stock Movements (Optional)

IF you wish to manually generate orders for a supplier or multiple suppliers you can do so through this step.

Click on And/Or <Manual Rebuild Of Order Work File From All Stock Movements>

Key in the Supplier for this purchase order and press <<TAB>> on your keyboard
This will now display those products who have that supplier as their main supplier.
Click on a "Product" and press <<TAB>> on your keyboard
You can now manually enter in the amount you wish to order of the product in the Qty Ordered field.
These orders will be added to your Order Work File manually.
Click on <Close>

Step 2. Print Reorder Work File (Optional)

You do not have to print your work file – this is optional

Click on Step 2. <Print Reorder Work File>
<Select> a report on which to print your reorder work file.
Click on <Close> to show all
The report now previews to screen.

You can either <Print> this order, or just review it and <Close> the window when you are finished reviewing.

Step 3. Browse Purchase Order Work File (MUST DO)

Click on Step 3. <Browse Purchase Order Work File>

You can make any changes to the products on order by site. This browse displays many features such as Lead time, Min order value, quantity ordered, price, value total per line, sales history of product, cost prices etc.
Make any changes to this work file that you deem necessary. Then click on <Close>

Step 4. Build Orders From Work File (MUST DO)

Click on Step 4. <Build Orders From Work File>

Click on <-No>

Make your selection here or leave it blank for all suppliers and all products, and click on <OK>

Make your selection here or leave the Start From Supplier field blank and the End At Supplier field ZZZZZZZZZZ for all suppliers, flag it on to Extract Back Orders For Non-Reorder Products, flag it as on for Extract Each Sales Back Orders Once Only, (leave the other two selections flags OFF) and click on <OK>

Click on <Close> for everything

If you are just one site, select either one – it doesn't really matter.
If you are more than one site, select the one which you are wanting either by site or consolidated.

Select <1 -1Print Details> to show all details

Use the drop down box to select the printer you will be using should you decide to print this report
Click on <OK>

And/Or Build Transfers From Work File (Optional)

This is for multi sites only

  1. You need to have Purchase order work file split by site to run the build transfers from work file. This feature is Optional. If you wish to firstly transfer available stock on hand from your warehouse to the other sites before you generate an order file you may do so. This will generate a transfer from HO to Site and reduce stock on hand from Head Office and increase stock at the site in question.
  2. Build transfers needs to be run before you run the Consolidate Duplicate Products on Order File by site, as a supplier would prefer to see products consolidate by site rather than have products duplicated on a purchase order.

Click on And/Or
<Build Transfers From Work File>

Check that this is the correct site
Click on <OK>

Click on <-No>

Select the option most appropriate to what you are wanting to see

Also select the option most appropriate to what you are wanting to see

Make your selection here or leave the Start From Supplier field blank and the End At Supplier field ZZZZZZZZZZ for all suppliers, flag it on to Extract Back Orders For Non-Reorder Products, flag it as on for Extract Each Sales Back Orders Once Only, (leave the other two selections flags OFF) and click on <OK>

Click on <Close> to select everything
You will only get a report if you are multi site.
In this example, my system is running off one site and therefore in this case I did not get a report.

And/Or Report Transfers From Work File By Product (Optional)

This is for multi sites only
Click on And/Or
<Report Transfers From Work File By Product>

Check that this is the correct site
Click on <OK>

Click on <-No>

Select the option most appropriate to what you are wanting to see

Click on <Close> to select everything
You will only get a report if you are multi site.
In this example, my system is running off one site and therefore in this case I did not get a report.
You will only get a report if you are multi site.
In this example, my system is running off one site and therefore in this case I did not get a report.Make your selection here or leave the Start From Supplier field blank and the End At Supplier field ZZZZZZZZZZ for all suppliers, flag it on to Extract Back Orders For Non-Reorder Products, flag it as on for Extract Each Sales Back Orders Once Only, (leave the other two selections flags OFF) and click on <OK>

Optional Consolidate duplicate products on Order file (multi site only)

If you are Multi Site, this feature allows you to consolidate a product that appears more than once on the order work file for each site or to one site.

Click on Optional <Consolidate Duplicate Products On Order Work File>

Select one of the above.
Once you make your choice, this process has now been run.
You will only get a report if you are multi site.
In this example, my system is running off one site and therefore in this case I did not get a report.

Step 5. Browse And Edit Orders (MUST DO)

Click on Step 5. <Browse And Edit Orders>

You are taken to the Browse Purchase Orders window so that you can change your purchase orders, add notes etc.
You will also be printing your purchase orders from this window using Tab {9 Printing} <Print Purchase Order>

From here you can print / fax /email off your purchase order to the supplier.
Click on <Close> when you have finished making any changes.

Step 6. Close

Click on <Close> if you are finished doing Automatic Generation Of Purchase Orders

Receiving Purchase Orders That Are Not In The System

From the Readysell Main Menu
Click on <Purchasing>

Click on <Receipts>

Click on <Insert>
Select one of these options depending on how you want to receive the receipt.
The following example Uses Ex GST Cost Prices

Key in the original Purchase Order number
Leave the flags on for Receive Stock and Invoice if you are doing both
Key in the Supplier Code
Key in the Suppliers Invoice Date
Key in the Invoice Number
Key in the products
Key in their Quantity Received and Quantity Invoiced
Make sure the Cost Ex matches up to the invoice.
Add in a Freight product if you have been charged freight
Click on <Default Value Invoiced To Computed Total>
Make sure that the Value Invoiced matches that on the Invoice Inc GST
Add in any Rounding Products to make up the difference of 1 or 2 cents if you are out
Click on <Default Value Invoiced To Computed Total> again to recalc the total.
Make sure that the Value Invoiced matches that on the Invoice Inc GST
Click on <OK>

Click on <+Yes> to accept this receipt

Turn the flag off for "Show Only Outstanding Receipts" – this will show the receipt you just finalised.
Click on <Close> - this will take you back to the Browse Purchase Orders window.

Receiving Goods and Invoicing At The Same Time From An Existing Purchase Order

Search for the Purchase Order that you are receiving, left click on it once to highlight it blue
Click on <Receive/Invoice>

Click on <+Yes> this will save you having to type the lines in yourself.

Click on <1 – Use Ex GST Cost Prices (Recommended)>
See next page...

Leave the flags on for Receive Stock and Invoice if you are doing both
Key in the Supplier Code
Key in the Suppliers Invoice Date
Key in the Invoice Number
Key in their Quantity Received and Quantity Invoiced
Make sure the Cost Ex matches up to the invoice.
Add in a Freight product if you have been charged freight
Click on <Default Value Invoiced To Computed Total>
Make sure that the Value Invoiced matches that on the Invoice Inc GST
Add in any Rounding Products to make up the difference of 1 or 2 cents if you are out
Click on <Default Value Invoiced To Computed Total> again to recalc the total. – the totals must ALWAYS match that of the invoice.
Make sure that the Value Invoiced matches that on the Invoice Inc GST
Click on <OK>

Click on <+Yes>
A couple of windows will flash up on the screen, let them run though and then the purchase order will no longer show as outstanding if the order has been fully received.

Receiving Goods And Not The Invoice

From the Readysell Main Menu
Click on <Purchasing>

Search for the Purchase Order that you are receiving, left click on it once to highlight it blue
Click on <Receive/Invoice>

Click on <+Yes> this will save you having to type the lines in yourself.

Click on <1 – Use Ex GST Cost Prices (Recommended)>
See next page...

Turn off the flag for INVOICE as you are not receiving the invoice with the goods
Leave the flag for Receive Stock as ON
Key in the Date on the Delivery Docket that arrived with the Goods
Key in the Delivery Docket Number
Check off the Products and the Quantity of them Received.
Zero off the Qty Inv. as you are not invoicing at this time.
Add in the freight product if it is on the delivery docket.
Click on <OK>

Click on <+Yes>
If you are one site then it will usually have the code of WHS. The receipt then completes.

Receiving The Invoice After The Goods Have Already Been Received

From the Readysell Main Menu
Click on <Purchasing>

Click on <Receive Invoiced From A Receipt>
This is because the receipt for received the goods has already been done.

Click on <Select Purchase Order> on Tab {1 Purchase Order}

Search for the Purchase Order Number or Supplier or Order Date etc.
Left click on it once to highlight it blue
Click on <Select>

You can see on the right hand side of the receipts window that the goods have been received by not invoiced.
Click on <Select>

Select "Use Ex GST Cost Prices"

You will see that the flag for Receive Stock is not OFF and the flag for Invoice is now ON. The system automatically knows to change the flags over.
Change the Suppliers Invoice Date to today's date
Change the Suppliers Invoice Reference to be the same as that of the Invoice Number
You will see that the Qty Rec. has changed its values to zero "0"
Qty Inv. has changed its values to what you had received previously.
Check that the cost ex all matches up to the invoice
Add a Freight Product if you have been charged for freight and its correct cost ex pricing
Click on <Default Value Invoiced To Computed Total>
If you are out by 1 or 2 cents use a Rounding Product – the totals must ALWAYS match that of the invoice.
Click on <Default Value Invoiced To Computed Total>

We know a receipt already exists for this purchase order as we had previously received the goods first.
Click on <+Yes>

Your site is WHS so click on <+Yes> to accept the receipt
The receipt then processes and you are returned to the "Browse Purchase Orders" window.

Reversing A Purchase Receipt/Invoice

From the Readysell Main Menu
Click on <Purchasing>

Click on <Receipts>

Make sure the flag is OFF for "Show Only Outstanding Receipts"
Click on <Select Purchase Order>

Find the receipt, click on <Select>

Click on <Reverse Updated Receipt>

Click on <-No>

Click on <-No>

Click on <1 – Use ex GST cost prices (Recommended)>

The reversal puts a negative in the Received and Invoiced Quantities.
The Value shows as $##,###.## - this is okay – leave this as is.
The Value Invoiced shows as what was previously invoiced.
To reverse it out completely click on <Default Value Invoiced To Computed Total> to change it to a negative value, then click on <OK> to finish the reversal.
But if you want to make a change – do so, add on any other products and continue by clicking on <Default Value Invoiced To Computed Total> and click on <OK>

Click on <+Yes> to continue on.
The receipt already exists as it was already received once and at the moment you are doing the reversal of it.

Click on <+Yes>

Click on <+Yes>

The reversal is now completed.
The figures on the right hand side shows the negative values.
Re-receive the goods and invoice again if you want to start fresh. Your accounts person will be able to allocate the positives of invoices against the negatives of reversals. (See below the suppliers open items for the above supplier)

What Do I Do I Have Been Over Charged?

Receive everything exactly the same as it is on the invoice and then do a credit request to your supplier.
(See page XXX for instructions on how to do a credit request)
The reason why you must do it this way is that there must be a paper trail to follow back should you need to check on anything.

What Do I Do If I Have Not Received The Goods But Have Been Invoiced For Them?

Receive everything exactly the same as it is on the invoice and then do a credit request to your supplier.
(See page XXX for instructions on how to do a credit request)
The reason why you must do it this way is that there must be a paper trail to follow back should you need to check on anything.

Supplier Credit Requests

Inserting New Credit Requests

From the Readysell Main Menu
Click on <Product Transactions>
Click on <Close> on the "Write On / Write Off" window

Click on <Credit Requests>

Click on <Insert>

Key in the [Supplier]
Key in the [Description] of the request
LEAVE THE FIELD FOR MANUAL VALUE AS $0.00 (– if you fill this in it will finalise the request!)

On Tab {2 Notes} – key in the RA number if you have it – so it is recorded somewhere.
Now click on <Select Lines To Credit> so that you can select a purchase receipt number
"Purchase Receipt Lines To Copy Into Credit Select" window appears.
Key in a [Purchase Receipt] number and hit <<Tab>> on your keyboard.
If you do not know the receipt number then just type in the number 1 and hit <<Tab>> on your keyboard and it will draw on a search screen.
Once you have found the receipt you are looking for select it and it takes you back to this window with a list of products from that receipt on it.

<Tag> the lines to be brought across to the Credit Request
Click on <OK>

<<Tab>> across to [Reason For Credit]
Hit <<>>* on your keyboard and hit <<Tab>> again – this brings up a list of reasons for you to choose from.

Left click on the code on the list that you want
Click on <Select>

Change the [Quantity] to the amount you are claiming for. (the value of the line and also value credited is INC. GST)
Click on <OK>

You will get a warning saying that the values don't match up.
This is correct. Click on <+OK>

Your request is ready for you now to print/fax/email off to the supplier.

Emailing / Faxing / Printing Off A Credit Request

Left click on the credit request to be printed/emailed/faxed.
Click on <Print Credit Request>

Select the layout or just go with the default that is already selected
Click on <+OK>

The Credit Request previews to screen first.
This allows you to print and fax this Credit Request, and/or email off this Credit Request.
If you have chosen to email off this credit request, <Close> this window when you are finished.
This takes you back to the "Credit Requests Browse" window.

Finalising Credit Requests

Find the credit request you are going to finalise.
Click on <Change>
You will notice that when you first get to this screen the [Manual Value] field is still set to $0.00
Click on <Default Total>

The [Manual Value] is now automatically calculated for you.
Make any corrections that you may needs for this Manual Value to match up to the value that the Supplier has authorized the credit for – once again the totals must match up.
Click on <OK>
Your Credit Request Is Now Completed. It Is No Longer Outstanding and you will not be able to change it again.
If there are more credit requests to be done follow this document through again from pages 63 to 74
If there are no further credit requests to be done...
Click on <Close> on the "Credit Requests Browse"
Click on <Exit> on the "Product Transaction Main Menu"

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