Product images are not displaying
Product images are not displaying
Product images are not displaying on the web but do display in Readysell
- If the products are Catalogue products, the images come from Office Brands. This would suggest that Office Brands have not released the images to the stores at this point in time but would be coming soon.
- If the products are store products, check the date on the image in your image file (you can find the image in the file path displayed on your Readysell Main Menu). Readysell sends up images to the web every night looking for a date last modified from the last date and time uploaded and more recent. (i.e. within the last 12-24 hours). If the image has a date of 2 months ago, 3 years ago, 2 days ago, etc. Readysell will not send those images up to the web because the last saved date is older than 24hours. You will need to open up the image with a program like paint or some other program, then save it again under the same name and same format. This will update the last modified date to now and the task knows to pick up the image and send it to the web.
- If you are unsure if the image made it to the web, please check Web Admin the next day after you update/resave or add the image to the product
- Log onto Web Admin for your store
- Select Products
- Select Find Catalog Entries
- Key in the product code you are looking to see if it made it to the web
- Click on button Find
- Click on tab Images
- If the product image shows in this window, Readysell's integration with the web has worked and the product will be placed on your website overnight.
- If the product image shows in this window but does not display on your website after it loaded up overnight, please contact Office Brands for further assistance.
- If the product image does not show in this window, please contact Readysell for assistance.
Product images are not displaying in Readysell but do display on the web
- If the products are Catalogue products, the images come from Office Brands. This would suggest that Office Brands have not released the images to the stores at this point in time but would be coming soon.
- If the products are store products – they would not be displaying that image on the web. You can add your own images for store products as long as you save it to the images folder named and listed on your Readysell Main Menu (up the top towards the middle of the main menu screen). File size must ideally be under 100kb.
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