Catalogue and flyer loads (basic)

Catalogue and flyer loads (basic)

Pages 2 - 2 – Readysell Rules For Loading Catalogues and Flyers
Pages 3 10– Running a Normal Catalogue
Pages 11 19 – Running a Government Catalogue
Pages 20 26 Running a Flyer
Please note:
Take care with selection of options. Should you make a mistake in making any changes in the basic or advanced options, there may be a charge for Readysell to fix those mistakes.
If you are unsure of any options – please call Readysell before you make those changes as there may be a charge for Readysell to fix those mistakes.
Readysell recommends that if you are unsure of any process, you can use your test database to test any options of selection.
Rules for Loading Catalogues and Flyers



Catalogue / Flyer





Product File Level










Cost &











Data Type

















Sell Dates











OPD[x] OP[x]












Turn Off Cost & Sell Dates











OPDG[x] OPG[x]















Turn Off Cost & Sell Dates



























Turn Off Cost Dates Only



























Turn Off Cost Dates Only





































In the above table/example...



























Follow these above rules and the system looks at the prices and gives best of price.



























Loading the flyer with pricing using sell price levels flags and it gives it the flyer price.



























Turn ON flag for "Disable cost prices for this catalogue" and ON for "Update Cost P1" only for OPD and OP catalogues not Gov. ones.



























"Disable cost prices for this catalogue" flag is ALWAYS ON.



























Turn OFF sell dates for only OPD, OP, OPDG and OPG catalogues.



























Flyers have the sell dates on so that the system knows to compare prices including that flyer for that particular period



























ALWAYS TURN OFF cost dates for all catalogues and flyers.

























































From the Readysell Main Menu...
Click on <Price Changes>

Click on <3 – Browse Catalogues> Running A Normal Catalogue
Select your Catalogue – left click on it once

Left The section above will automatically update to show all changes once the catalogue/flyer is loaded.
On tab {3) Load Catalogues Into Readysell}...
Left Click on <Create Normal Promotion> for normal Catalogue/Flyer/Promotions

Catalogue – this is the Catalogue CODE – you do not change this
Description – this is greyed out but is the name of the Catalogue
Start DateIS TURNED OFF (clear this out – make the field empty) – This is the start date of the Catalogue
End DateIS TURNED OFF (clear this out – make the field empty) – This is the end date of the Catalogue
Active Start Date – This date is used for reporting purposes showing the product on promotion in the products browse. Make this be the actual start date of the Catalogue.
Active End Date – This date is used for reporting purposes showing the product on promotion in the products browse. Make this be the actual end date of the Catalogue.
Disable cost price override DATES for this catalogueIN MOST CASES THIS FLAG IS TURNED ON – If it is flagged as on, it disables the cost pricing dates for this Catalogue - please check with Readysell if you are unsure
Government CatalogLEAVE THIS FLAG OFFThis flag is ONLY used on the second step <Create Government Promotion>
Change Retail BreaksIN MOST CASES THIS FLAG IS TURNED OFF – this will update the products' retail breaks and pack breaks for products in the catalogue new and existing. It depends on whether or not you want to go with the retail & pack breaks your head office has put into the spreadsheet. You can choose to have it on or off. (on changes the retail & pack breaks to that on the spreadsheet and off does not change your existing retail & pack break settings in your product file.)
Update Recommended Retail Price For Existing ProductsDO NOT FLAG this one on at all. (There are only one or two Readysell customers using this flag. – do not use it if you have not talked to Readysell about it)
Optional Discount % To Be Taken Off Sell Prices – Leave this one blank (there are only 1 or 2 users of this function)

Update Fixed Sell Prices For Existing Products TURN THIS FLAG ON

  • Means it will update the normal fixed sell prices for all levels in the catalogue/flyer if they are not $0.00 and are for existing products in your product file that are also in the catalogue/flyer as well as any new products that are imported from this catalogue/flyer. (Note: this does NOT include Govt. Pricing)

Update Fixed Sell Prices For Existing Products But Only For Sell Price Level 1 – LEAVE THIS OFF

  • Means it will update sell prices for the existing products on your product file that are featured in this catalogue/flyer and any new products added to the system from this catalogue/flyer for sell price level 1 only.

If updating sell prices for levels 2 to 6, let the catalogue price replace the existing price even if the catalogue price is zero – LEAVE THIS OFF

  • Means for all products in the catalogue/flyer, their sell prices for levels 2 to 6 will be updated to the catalogue/flyer price even if the sell price in the catalogue/flyer is $0.00

Select only ONE of the above options if you want any sell pricing updated/overridden.
Update Cost P1 (Current Cost) to existing products – TURN THIS FLAG ON

  • Means that for all existing products (not just new products) from this catalogue/flyer, the cost P1 will be updated.

Do NOT flag all of the first three options at once or you will get a jumbled price setting in your product file matching all options flagged above.
Click on <OK>

The Catalogue then runs and generates a report
This report appears to screen – In future this report will be skipped as the changed data can be viewed at any time from the "Browse The Office National Catalogues For Buying Group" window.
Save it as a PDF to somewhere on your desktop or a Readysell reports folder that you may have.
Review that report and then <Close> the report preview

        • Call Readysell straight away if there are any issues with this load of the Catalogue ****

          The next screen shows you all changes made – it allows you to send it to excel/email/file etc. You can use the views drop down box to view only the columns that you think are relevant.

          The next screen appears with information on the appropriate catalogue... Click on button Send To and select to save it as a File, Excel, You should ALWAYS save a copy to excel no matter what the result is.

          Click on the ellipsis button to choose where to save it to and what to name it,

          Select where to save it to and what to call it then hit the Save button

          Then back on the SendTo Window, hit the Save button to send it to excel.
          The report will then output to Excel.
          Hit the save button and close out – make sure you review this report at some stage to see if prices have increased or decreased dramatically.

          Click on button Close

          Click on button +OK

          Review that Catalogue load
          Look at the Catalogue line you just loaded (this example is the OP19)
          Click on <Change>

          Check there is no Type
          Check that the start and end dates are off (are blank or are the same as each other)
          Check the Active Start and End Dates are correct. This will show "On Promotion" in the Browse Products window right hand side of the screen for products that are on promotion/Catalogue/Flyer for that period of time. If you forgot to put the dates in when you loaded the catalogue, you can enter those start and end dates into this window. Click on <OK> when finished.
          Click on <Close>
          Running A Government Catalogue
          Select your Catalogue – left click on it once

          The section above will automatically update to show all changes once the catalogue/flyer is loaded.
          On tab {3) Load Catalogues Into Readysell}...
          Left Click on <Create Government Promotion> for normal Catalogue/Flyer/Promotions

          Catalogue – this is the Government Catalogue CODE (There is a G at the end of the code)
          Description – this is greyed out but is the name of the Government Catalogue
          Start DateIS TURNED OFF (clear this out – make the field empty) – This is the start date of the Govt. Catalogue
          End DateIS TURNED OFF (clear this out – make the field empty) – This is the end date of the Govt. Catalogue
          Active Start Date – This date is used for reporting purposes showing the product on promotion in the products browse. Make this be the actual start date of the Catalogue.
          Active End Date – This date is used for reporting purposes showing the product on promotion in the products browse. Make this be the actual end date of the Catalogue.
          Disable cost price override DATES for this catalogueIN MOST CASES THIS FLAG IS TURNED ON – If it is flagged as on, it disables the cost pricing dates for this Catalogue - please check with Readysell if you are unsure
          Government CatalogIS TURNED ON – When this flag is turned on it gives you the option of the tab {3 Options For Government Catalogues Only}.
          Change Retail BreaksIS TURNED OFF - this will update the product retail break for products in the catalogue new and existing. It is not relevant when loading Government pricing.
          Update Recommended Retail Price For Existing ProductsDO NOT FLAG this one on at all. (There are only one or two Readysell customers using this flag. – do not use it if you have not talked to Readysell about it)

          Flag one of these options if you want to load it into a pricing level in the product
          Load the government sell price into fixed sell price level 2 - Means that the government sell price will be loaded into sell price level 2
          Load the government sell price into fixed sell price level 3 - Means that the government sell price will be loaded into sell price level 3
          Load the government sell price into fixed sell price level 4 - Means that the government sell price will be loaded into sell price level 4
          Load the government sell price into fixed sell price level 5 - Means that the government sell price will be loaded into sell price level 5
          Load the government sell price into fixed sell price level 6 - Means that the government sell price will be loaded into sell price level 6
          Load the government sell price into fixed sell price level 7 - Means that the government sell price will be loaded into sell price level 7
          Load the government sell price into fixed sell price level 8 - Means that the government sell price will be loaded into sell price level 8
          Load the government sell price into fixed sell price level 9 - Means that the government sell price will be loaded into sell price level 9
          Load the government sell price into fixed sell price level 10 - Means that the government sell price will be loaded into sell price level 10
          Do NOT flag all of the options at once. Most stores have it loaded into 1 or 2 levels (e.g. 3 & 4) or just level 5 etc. Readysell suggests that you select your options with care.
          Please call Readysell if you are unsure about this!
          Click on <OK>

          The Catalogue then runs and generates a report
          This report appears to screen – In future this report will be skipped as the changed data can be viewed at any time from the "Browse The Office National Catalogues For Buying Group" window.
          Save it as a PDF to somewhere on your desktop or a Readysell reports folder that you may have.
          Review that report and then <Close> the report preview
        • Call Readysell straight away if there are any issues with this load of the Catalogue ****

          The next screen appears with information on the appropriate catalogue...

          My Readysell system shows that there are no further changes in this government catalogue – therefore nothing appearing in the above screen print. You should ALWAYS save a copy to excel no matter what the result is.
          (If there were any changes you could use the Send To button and send it to an excel spreadsheet and save this report)
          Click on button Send To and select to save it as a File, Excel,

          Click on the ellipsis button to choose where to save it to and what to name it,

          Select where to save it to and what to call it then hit the Save button

          Then back on the SendTo Window, hit the Save button to send it to excel.
          The report will then output to Excel.
          Hit the save button and close out – make sure you review this report at some stage to see if prices have increased or decreased dramatically.

          Click on button Close

          Click on <+OK>

          Review that Catalogue load
          Look at the Catalogue line you just loaded (this example is the OP19G) Click on button Change

          Check there is a Type of G
          Check that the start and end dates are off (are blank or are the same as each other)
          Click on button OK
          Click on <Close> and close out of the browse Catalogues window when finished altogether.
          Customers Who Receive Government Pricing
          (Please talk to Readysell about this before making any changes to your customers)
          Each of your customers who receive Government pricing will currently have a customer type of G.
          In future...Each customer who receives Government pricing will now need to have their pricing level set to whatever level it is that you load the government promotion to.
          (The customer type of G becomes irrelevant – leave that customer type of G in the customer or if you haven't keyed it in as yet...it does not need to be entered into the customer type within the customer.)
          For example: If the government pricing is being loaded into Level 5 – the customers who get government pricing will need to have their pricing level set to Level 5.

          Running A Flyer
          Select your Catalogue – left click on it once

          The section above will automatically update to show all changes once the catalogue/flyer is loaded.
          On tab {3) Load Catalogues Into Readysell}...
          Left Click on <Create Normal Promotion> for normal Catalogue/Flyer/Promotions

          Catalogue – this is the Flyer CODE
          Description – this is greyed out but is the name of the Flyer
          Start DateIS TURNED ON – start date of the Catalogue/Flyer/Promotion
          End DateIS TURNED ON – end date of the Catalogue/Flyer/Promotion
          Active Start Date – This date is used for reporting purposes showing the product on promotion in the products browse. Make this be the actual start date of the Catalogue.
          Active End Date – This date is used for reporting purposes showing the product on promotion in the products browse. Make this be the actual end date of the Catalogue.
          Disable cost price override DATES for this catalogueIS TURNED ON – if this is ticked/flagged as on, it disables the cost pricing dates for this Catalogue/Flyer/Promotion
          Government CatalogIS TURNED OFF –This is NOT a government catalogue.
          Change Retail BreaksIS TURNED OFF – this will update the products' retail breaks and pack breaks for products in the catalogue new and existing. This flag is irrelevant when you are loading just a flyer.
          Update Recommended Retail Price For Existing ProductsIS TURNED OFF - do NOT flag this one on.

          Do not flag any of the above flags – leave them all TURNED OFF
          Click on <OK>

          The Flyer then runs and generates a report
          This report appears to screen – In future this report will be skipped as the changed data can be viewed at any time from the "Browse The Office National Catalogues For Buying Group" window.

          You do NOT have to save this report Review that report and then <Close> the report preview
        • Call Readysell straight away if there are any issues with this load of the Flyer ****
          The next screen shows you all changes made – it allows you to send it to excel/email/file etc. You can use the views drop down box to view only the columns that you think are relevant.

          Click on button <Send To (Report On Changes From Catalogue Load)> to send this report to an excel spreadsheet. ALWAYS OUTPUT CATALOGUE AND FLYER LOADING RESULTS TO AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET AND SAVE THEM FOR YOUR RECORDS.
          Click on button Send To and select to save it as a File, Excel,

          Click on the ellipsis button to choose where to save it to and what to name it,

          Select where to save it to and what to call it then hit the Save button

          Then back on the SendTo Window, hit the Save button to send it to excel.

          The report will then output to Excel.
          Hit the save button and close out – make sure you review this report at some stage to see if prices have increased or decreased dramatically.

          Click on button Close

          Click on <+OK>

          Review that Flyer load
          Look at the Flyer line you just loaded (this example is the 09B2B)
          Check on whether or not this Flyer has a Type
  • For example (if this is an Education Catalogue – your type might be E and therefore those customers with a Promotion Type or Customer Type of E will get that pricing – See example on the next page)

Check that the start and end dates are set to the dates of the Flyer – it will then only run for that date range.
Click on <Change> to make any changes to this Flyer
Click on <Close> and close out of the browse Catalogues window when finished altogether.

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