Loyalty Points System

Loyalty Points System

Readysell Loyalty Point System Setup
How Readysell sets up Loyalty point system:
There are 2 system references that firstly need to be set up:
First System Reference – Total Spent* Value Set = Number of Points

  1. Log onto Readysell
  2. Select System Administrator
  3. Search for The type = 'Register
  5. Description = value for every dollar spent eg 10
  6. Value = 10

This system reference 'Value' is set to the amount of points the customer will be receiving as to every dollar they spend. i.e if a customer spends $1 they received 10 points.
Second System Reference: Total Points / Value Set = $Value to Redeem

  1. Stay in System Reference Table
  3. Set Description = amount of points to be used for the sale value = 100
  4. Value = eg 100

This system reference 'Value' is set for the amount of points to be used for the sales value. i.e for every sales value worth $1 customer needs 100 points.
Amend Sales Receipt Layout:
Add the field of 'print available points' onto the sales receipt at the site - Points AvailablePoints (layout named salereceipt.txt as per below)

Tender Setup:
General ledger account needs to be set up in order to set up the tender below. Contact Readysell.
A tender has to be created to allow the customer to redeem the points that have been accumulated. (Readysell will assist with setting this up in respect to general ledger)

How the Points system works:
The Readysell loyalty Point system is a calculation depending on each dollar spent on any goods sold.
I.E. If a customer purchases goods to the value of $50 a total of 500 points will be accumulated to their account according to the value set in the system reference of SALE-DOLLARS-RATIO-TO-POINTS.
Setting up Customer for Loyality Points
How to Enable and Disable Customers from Retrieving Points – two ways

  1. Log onto Readysell
  2. Select Customer
  3. Search for customer code or name
  4. Highlight Customer and click "Change"
  5. In Tab "General" Tick or Un-Tick the "Loyalty Points Enabled" icon
  6. If there is a tick in the box that means that the Loyalty Points is activated for that Customer.
  7. See screen print below.

Customer Screen.

Second method of enabling 'Loyalty Points'

  1. Log onto Readysell
  2. Log onto Sales
  3. F2 to insert a customer
  4. Enter " * " in the Customer Field and press "TAB" or enter

  1. Search for your Customer and Click "Change"

  1. In Tab "General" Click "Loyalty Points Enabled" icon
  2. Tick means that the Loyalty points is Enabled (see below)

  1. Click "OK" to accept

Placing a Barcode on Customer for Loyalty Card.
A 'Barcode' from the Loyalty Card can be scanned or entered onto the customers card.

  1. Log onto Readysell
  2. Select "Customers"
  3. Search and highlight the customer and click "Change"
  4. In Tab "General" Scan or type the Barcode in the "Sort Name" field. (see screen print below)

Another way of scanning the barcode off the loyalty card is directly through the Sales Module.

  1. Log onto Readysell main menu Click on "Sales"
  2. From the F2 Insert Customer Details place a " * " in the Customer Field and press "TAB" or 'enter' on your Keyboard to drawer the browse a customer window

  1. Search and highlight the Customer and Click "Change"

  1. In "General" tab Scan or type the Barcode into the "Sort Name" field.
  2. This allows you to scan the Customer "Loyalty Card" at point of sale to bring up the Customers Card.

  1. Click "Ok" to accept.

Checking Points Accumulated
There are 2 areas within Readysell which allows you to check the points accumulated for a customer.

  1. Log onto Readysell
  2. Select Sales
  3. Insert the customer code in the F2 customer screen, and click on the icon 'Available Points'.

Second Method:

  1. Log onto Readysell
  2. Select Customers
  3. Search and Highlight the customer
  4. Click Tab "F5 Tab Enquiries" then "Points"

How to Redeem the Accumulated Points.

  1. Log onto Readysell
  2. Select sales module
  3. Enter customer salinv details and products etc.

Firstly the amount tendered value needs to be the less the points accumulated.
That is if you don't have enough points to redeem otherwise just redeem your points.
Then the tender of 'p' can be selected with the value of the points accumulated.
Points are calculated at the full value of the sale even if you have redeem previous points.

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