Product display issues

  • Product is not in Readysell but is showing on the web
  • Product is not on the web but is showing in Readysell

Product is not in Readysell but is showing on the web

Catalogue products and Endless Isle products are all placed on the web by Office Brands and not by Readysell uploads.
Store products (which are not catalogue or endless isle products) are uploaded to the web by the store using the Flag – Display On The Web Site inside the product details. These products do not flow down to Readysell from the Web.
If a product is showing on the web, and you're up to date with loading all your catalogues and flyers…
Please check to see if this product is an Endless Isle product using your Office Brands Data Portal
Log into the data portal, search for the product.
Scroll across to the right and find the column called Catalogue No
Those products on the Endless Isle are marked as CatalogueNo EXTENDED

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These products are downloaded to your product Price Book module (Readysell main menu, button Products, tab F3 Extras, button Price Book) and kept updated weekly.
To add any of these Endless Isle products to your Readysell…
From the Readysell Main Menu, click on button Products, click on button Insert.
Key into the product code field either the product code or the suppliers code for the product or the barcode, etc – anything relating back to that product and hit Tab on your keyboard. All the information the price book then populates into the product window for you.
Check the supplier on the product, the sell unit, buy unit, retail and pack breaks, the cost pricing and sell pricing. Click on OK once you've made all relevant checks. The product is now added into your product file.
NOTE: In order to maintain the pricing on the endless isle products, you will need to start loading price book runs. Price book runs then are done in place of catalogue loads however you will still need to load flyers.Please refer to Please refer to page 7 of this document for further information on this. 

Product is not on the Web but is showing in Readysell 

Catalogue products, Endless Isle products are all placed on the web by Office Brands and not by Readysell uploads.
Store products (which are not catalogue or endless isle products) are uploaded to the web by the store using the Flag – Display On The Web Site inside the product details. These products do not flow down to Readysell from the Web.

  • Make sure that the flag is on for Display On The Web Site
  • Also make sure the flag for Obsolete is Off if you want this product to be displaying on the web and you want to be selling and purchasing this product.

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Click on button OK (only if you have made a change, otherwise click on Cancel if you made no changes)
On the Products Sites Browse window, F9 Web tab, click on button Force Sent This Product To Web to make sure it gets flagged for uploading.

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And then follow the prompts.