Price Level Issues

Price Level Issues

Standard overriding of pricing levels

Readysell's integration with the web allows you to use the same price levels to override List pricing and Government pricing or different price levels to override List and Government pricing. Anywhere where you choose to override using a different pricing level to your standard pricing levels that you leave that pricing at $0.00 will revert back to using the standard pricing of list or government.
Note: when you start overriding pricing levels you are taking ownership of the pricing on that product. Should you wish to revert back to using the standard pricing from Office Brands data portal, you will need to contact Office Brands and Readysell to notify them that you were overriding their pricing but are choosing to not do so anymore. Office Brands will need to clear out all store pricing and then Readysell will have to run an upload of your pricing for any products still on override pricing and store products. (There may be a charge for Readysell to do the upload).
Example 1
If List is level 1 and Government is level 5 and you choose to override list with level 1 and government with level 5, then any prices different compared to that of 1X pricing (data portal pricing) will upload to the web and override that pricing on the web if it is less than standard data portal pricing.
Example 2
If List is level 1 and Government is level 5 and you choose to override list with level 7 and government with level 8, then you add the different pricing to levels 7 and 8 and those prices will upload to the web overriding list and government pricing respectively.
Example 3
If List is level 1 and Government is level 2 and you choose to not override list pricing but do want to override government pricing with level 6, then you add the different pricing to level 6 and those prices will upload to the web overriding list and government pricing respectively.

Extra alternate pricing levels

If you are using price levels:
Bulk 1
Bulk 2
Bulk 3
And are wanting to use alternate pricing levels to override List and Government, then there is no issue with this. (See page 12) 

If you are using price levels:
Bulk 1
Bulk 2
Bulk 3
And are also using extra alternate price levels that are NOT overriding list or government pricing, this pricing will need to be extracted to an excel spreadsheet and sent to Office Brands requesting for them to upload this to the web for you. You will need to speak with Office Brands to discuss what fields they require on the excel spreadsheet for them to help you with this upload.
Your customers will then need to be manually set to those pricing levels on Web Admin by either yourselves or with help from someone at Office Brands.

  • Readysell cannot send up any extra pricing levels and also cannot set your customers to those extra alternate pricing levels.
  • If a customer has a contract that is sent to the web and is on one of these alternate extra pricing levels, the contract will send with a default pricing level of List, however the setting on the web will need to be for their own price level for the manually uploaded pricing which is manually set as advised above.

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