

Stocktake Rules
There are three ways to create and perform stock takes, but ensure you follow the steps below first.
Firstly, run a stock on hand report before you create your first stock take. This will give you your starting stock on hand figure. You can print this report or archive it.
Then, please ensure that you have run the process of "Flag All Products As Not Counted" before commencing any stock take.
Second, if it is a full store stock take or a stock take by location, ensure that the overwrite flag is off and this will ensure that you are in add mode not overwrite mode. Just in case you have a product in a different location more than once, it will add to the stock on hand not overwrite
Third, once you have finished counting stock for the entire store, run your stock take variance report.
Fourth, check your counts; make any changes you wish to the stock takes in question regarding discrepancies. Run your variance report again if you wish but ensure you have at least one hard copy. Check the dollar value at the end of the report to see if it looks reasonable.
Fifth, run a stock take, not a counted report
Sixth, once you are satisfied with the end result for a full store location, then RUN "Add All Non Counted Products As Zero To The Stock Take". However, for a single/multiple location stock take do not run this step, as it will set the remainder of the products at the locations that were not stock taked to Zero.
Seventh, check the flags you have set are correct on the stock take for the final time.
Eighth, do a backup.
Ninth, apply your stock take.
Tenth, run another report wizard for stock on hand after the stock take has been applied. This will give you your end results re. stock on hand.
NB. To help manage stock takes there is a stock take display status window to show the following information.

  1. How many stock takes are outstanding,
  2. How many will overwrite or add to stock.
  3. If products have been flagged as prepared for stock take.

The window displays when processing a stock take;
When you click on the <Apply Stock Take> button just before it applies the stock take/s.
Stocktaking – There are 4 Methods of a Stock take

  1. Insert a manual stock take and add item by item manually, print worksheets, count stock, come back to the computer and update correct SOH values; once you are happy with this, print the variance report.
  2. Insert a stock take and then "copy products from a particular location or supplier into that stock take", print worksheets, count stock, come back to the computer and update correct SOH values.
  3. Use a hand held data capture unit to create the stock count for a location and then down load the data into the computer.
  4. Uses a wireless laptop with a handheld attached, open the stock take screen and insert a stock take and scanned products into the stock take.

For all four methods you can use the same process to prepare your data and to produce your variance reporting at the end, before applying the new SOH values.

    1. You can use the "flag all products as not counted" before starting your stock take process. This will allow both reporting of non counted products at the end and the ability to mass update a SOH value of zero to these products.
    2. After you have entered your stock take with the correct SOH values whether manually or via a down load, ensure you print a stock take variance report before APPLYING your stock take.

Stock take updates have the option of overwriting the value of SOH in the product file or adding to the value that is there.
If you flag stock as not counted to begin with, then you MUST use the "add to" facility for a full store stock take.
If doing a full store stock take, ensure that you run "add all non counted products to the stock take as zero on hand" once all stock takes have been entered. This will enable counting of product that may be in multiple locations around the store.
(The other method is by location - you use override mode only if the product appears once.
When stocktaking by locations, do not run Tab {4 Modify} <Add All Non Counted Products To This Stock Take As Zero On Hand> as this will zero the remaining stock in the store even though you are only stocktaking one location).
You need to run a Stock on Hand Report for the Site being stocktaked before you commence so that you have an opening figure. This report you should consider archiving as well as printing.

  1. From the Readysell Main Menu
  2. Click on <Report Wizard>
  3. Type into report type field on Tab {1 Report Type} [PRODUCTS]
  4. Run A stock value on hand report.
  5. Click on <Run Highlighted Report>
  6. Highlight "SOH is greater than 0"
  7. Click on <Select>

If this query does not already exist

  1. Click on <New>
  2. Find and highlight "PRODSITE Quantity on hand"
  3. Click on <Next>
  4. Find and highlight "Is Greater Than"
  5. Click on <Next>
  6. Key in the number "0"
  7. Click on <Next>
  8. Click on <Finish>
  9. Click on <Yes> to save this query to use next time
  10. Key in the Query Description field [SOH is greater than 0]
  11. Click on <OK>
  12. Results For Report Product List Product List window appears
  13. Click on <Send To (Print Report)>
  14. Select "File"
  15. Select "Excel"
  16. Use the ellipsis button at the end of the File Name field to select as to where to save a copy of this report to. "Save As" window appears. Select where to save it to, key in a file name for this report and click on <Save>
  17. Back on the "Send To Window"...click on <Save>

This will now open up an excel spreadsheet with the report results on it and is already saved to the position you chose previously.

  1. Review this report

Browse Stocktakes
When selecting the Stocktake Icon from Readysell, the first window displayed "Summary of all Stocktakes for your Site" appears.
Brief explanation shown below:
Step 1 - Select "Flag All Products As Not Counted" - whether a full store stock take or stocktake by location.

  1. From the Readysell Menu
  2. Click on <Product Transactions>
  3. <Close> the Stock Adjustment Screen
  4. Click on <Stocktake>
  5. Click on Tab {4 Modify}
  6. Click on <Flag All Products as Not Counted>
  7. Exit Now <NO>
  8. Exit Now <NO>
  9. Exit Now <NO>
  10. <Close> on "Query" screen - takes you back to Browse Stocktakes

First Option: Inserting A Stocktake and copying all products into the stocktake location.

  1. Click on <Insert> to commence Stocktake
  2. Close and save stock take after the following options:
  3. The "Overwrite stock on Hand" checkbox must be OFF if doing a full stocktake or a stocktake by location as you need to be in ADD MODE.
  4. Click on <OK>
  5. Highlight the Stocktake you just created and on Tab {4 Modify} click on <Copy Products into Stocktake for each location>
  6. Exit <NO>
  7. The query window will now appear (you must insert what you require ie; Location equals to or Suppliers equal to.
  8. Then highlight the Stocktake and click on <Change>
  9. Enter and adjust the stock counts for each product and then click on <OK> - ensure OVERWRITE FLAG is correct. REMEMBER IF DOING A FULL STORE STOCKTAKE AND THE PRODUCT IS COUNTED IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS, THEN THE FLAG NEEDS TO BE OFF FOR ADD MODE.

2nd Option: Manual Entry of A Stocktake - LISTED

  1. Print your products for stocktake work sheet
  2. Physically count stock
  3. Manually enter them in.

If it is for an entire store, remember the correct steps

  1. <Flag Products as not counted>
  2. <Insert> stock take
  3. Make sure you are in Add Mode
  4. Print all variance reports
  5. Check all negatives and discrepancies which may be on the stock take.
  6. Run <Add all non counted products as to this stock take as zero on hand> only for entire store stock take, and print the variance report for this stock take.
  7. Check your flags one more time.
  8. Do a backup.
  9. Apply your stock takes.

If applying by Location, steps are different

  1. <Flag all products as not counted>
  2. Override or add mode depending on if product exists once
  3. Do not run "add all non counted products to this stock take as zero on hand" for a single stock location as it will set the stock not counted at every other location as zero.
  4. Print Variance Report and make changes if need be.
  5. Check flags once again
  6. Do a backup
  7. Apply your stock take.

2nd Option: Manual Entry of a Stocktake - Print Worksheet

  1. Click on Product Transactions, Close the browse Stock Adjustments
  2. Click on <Stocktakes>
  3. Tab {3 Print}
  4. Click on <Print Stocktake Worksheet>
  5. Click on <OK> Product label Printing Option
  6. Highlight and <Select> a sort order
  7. Highlight and select "Stocktake Worksheet" and click on <OK>
  8. The report automatically previews to screen
  9. You can save the report by clicking on the <Adobe PDF> button and then <Print> the report

Once you have physically counted the stock and registered the quantity on hand on the worksheet

  1. Go back into the Stocktake module, highlight the stock in question and manually enter the stock count.
  2. Remember the steps involved if you are doing an entire store as opposed to only one location.

From "Browse Stocktake" Window

  1. Click on <Flag All Products as Not Counted>
  2. Exit Now <NO>
  3. Exit Now - Are you Sure - <NO>
  4. Exit Now - Last Chance - <NO>
  5. <Close> Query window
  6. Now you are ready to insert your products manually.
  7. Click on <Insert> to create a new stock take manually
  8. A blank stock take has been created. Commence inserting the products and count manually.
  9. Ensure that the overwrite flag is off.
  10. Remember your steps if full stocktake or a single location stock take.

If Stocktake is by Location

  1. If running by location steps are different
  2. Flag all products as not counted
  3. Override or add mode depending on if product exists once.
  4. DO NOT RUN 'ADD ALL NON COUNTED PRODUCTS TO THIS STOCKTAKE AS ZERO ON HAND" for a single stock location as it will set the stock not counted at every other location as Zero.

3rd Option - A Hand Held Data Capture Unit - PDE Unit
Another method of stocktake is using the PDE Unit. There are a few PDE Units such as Telxon, Denzo etc. The downloads for the PDE Units are custom developed to suit each unit.
PDE (Portable Data Entry) Stocktake

  1. From your desktop
  2. Plug in your PDE Cipher Lab unit to the computer
  3. Double Click on "Get PDE data.bat" icon ( this wording may vary slightly per store)

Your "Get PDE data" screen appears

  1. Press Any Keyon your keyboard to continue
  2. Press Any Keyon your keyboard to continue
  3. Press Any Keyon your keyboard to continue

On your Cipher Lab Unit

  1. Press <<2>>on your Key pad to upload data to the computer

When window has finished…

  1. Scroll through the data and check it.
  2. Press <<ALT>> <<Z>>to exit

The Readysell Log in Screen will appear

  1. Key in[POS]
  2. Press <<Enter>>
  3. Key in[POS]
  4. Press <<Enter>>

"Browse Imports" window appears

  1. Highlight and Double Click on "PDE Stocktake Cipher Lab" this wording may vary slightly between stores.
  2. "Changing An Import" screen appears
  3. Click on <GO>
  4. Leavethe Prefix and Suffix Box un-flagged - make sure it is clear
  5. Leaveall other boxes as default settings
  6. Click on <OK>to continue

"NOTE" screen appears "Stocktake … Created"

  1. Click on <OK>

"Report: Report PDE LOG" screen appears

  1. Click on"Preview"
  2. Checkthe printer shown is the one that you are using.
  3. Click on <OK>

"Preview: Report PDE LOG" screen appears
The Report previews to screen. Notice "OK" on left hand side of report as opposed to "X" on left hand side of the report. "X" means the Product Code was not found.

  1. Click on <Print>icon to print your report
  2. Click on <Close>

"NOTICE" screen appears "Closing Importing Module To Clear PDE Log" When you closed out of the print screen, you will be prompted with the above window.

  1. Click on <OK> to continue
  2. This will take you to the Readysell Main Menu

PDE Stocktake Transmission - Danks /M10

  1. Double Click on "Get PDE Data" transmission from the desktop.
  2. A black box displays on the screen requesting that you Plug The PDE In and Press Any Key to continue.
  3. Go to the PDE unit and select "Menu"
  4. Select "3"
  5. Select "2 Transmit to PC"
  6. Press <<Enter>>
  7. When data stops scrolling on the screen press <<Alt>> and <<X>> at the same time.

The Restructure PDE Data screen will appear

  1. Press <<Enter>> to accept the file presented.
  2. Key in <<N>> for No to the question "Is this data from the order partition?"
  3. Press <<Enter/Return>> to continue
  4. Log in to import when the login screen displays,
  5. Key in <<A>> <<TAB>> <<A>>
  6. Press <<Enter>>

The Import Screen will appear

  1. Double click (or select Change) after highlighting the import PDE Stocktake Danks, (This is for all stocktakes from a Telxon Unit set up with Danks configurations.)
  2. Select <GO>on changing a stocktake
  3. Click <OK>
  4. Click <OK>to Preview
  5. We suggest you always print for an audit trail. On the audit trail, report lines that start with OK were accepted. Lines that start with X were rejected. Some X lines may display on all audit trails due to empty lines download from the PDE unit. The audit trail's purpose is simply to let you know if the information downloaded properly from the PDE. It does not contain stock value etc.
  6. Click on <+OK> and you will be returned to the desktop

Completing The Stocktake

  1. From the Readysell Main Menu
  2. Click on <Product Transactions>
  3. <Close>"Browse Stock Adjustments" screen.
  4. Click on <Stocktakes>

The Highest Numbered stocktake displayed will be the one you just created.
Highlight the Stocktake you just created and

  1. Click on <Print Stock take Variance for one stocktake before applying> (Wording may vary)

Continue with printing instructions…….

  1. Once you are happy with the Variance Report, Highlight the stocktake in question and click on <Add All Not Counted Products to This Stocktake as Zero on Hand>

Next - Applying the Stocktake

  1. SelectTab {5 Apply}
    1. Click on <Apply Stocktake>
    2. Click on <No> when asked "Do you want to abort apply stocktake",
    3. <Close>the query wizard

If the stock take has already been applied, an error message is displayed.
When all stocktakes have been applied, Print A Stock Value On Hand Report to check margins and pricing, as discussed above. Your Stock-take is now complete!!!
Stocktake - End for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Options
Once you have applied the stocktakes, ensure to print a New Report Wizard Product/Prodsites for you new applied Stock On Hand figures.

  1. Click on Tab {3 Print}
  2. Click on <Print Stocktake Variances For One Stocktake Before Stocktake Applied>
  3. Key in a Start and End Location if need be
  4. Click on <OK>
  5. Select Printer to Print
  6. Click on <OK>
  7. Stocktake Variance report appears to the screen. Print the report and check carefully especially for negative variances.
  8. Make the necessary changes if need be by highlighting the stocktake in question and clicking on <Change>
  9. Reprint your Stocktake Variance Report again once all changes have been made.

Once you are sure that you have successfully finished your stocktakes

Remembering your Rules, on Tab {4 Modify}, Click on <Add All Non Counted Products to this Stocktake as Zero on Hand>
If you should forget to run and print your Stocktake Variance Report before applying you stocktake, do not worry as there is now an added feature on Tab {3 Print}of <Print Stocktake Variance for One Stocktake after Stocktake Applied in Stocktake Line Order>
Once you are happy with your Stocktakes and Variance Report, check your Flags once again on the stocktake.
Do a full system backup preferably after hours.
Then Apply your Stocktake.

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