Creating a location to manage back to school stock

Creating a location to manage back to school stock


In essence Readysell has two solutions for handling back to school stock:

• The separate site solution, create a separate site for education stock. This always works and is the cleanest approach. But required more setup work

 • The single location, single site solution. This is not as clean, but is easier to setup and recommended for most cases where you don’t have too many education sales. There are some inherent limitations with this approach. As education stock will always tend to effect the rest of the business. We do what we can to make this run the best we can and are constantly improving the process. But this will never be as clean an approach as running education stock through a separate site.

This document covers the single location, single site solution.

The separate site solution is covered here:

Creating a location to manage back to school stock

How to manage back to school stock through a single location.

If you done have a significant number of back to school sales, an issue arises about buying stock in advance and keeping it separate from normal stock are not excessive. The best practice is as follows:

Creating the "EDU" location

From the navigation menu go to administration,

  • Select locations
  • Click on the new button to create a location. Enter all the details on the new location. On the new location:
    • Set the code to "EDU". If you have multiple locations, may need to make multiple education locations. One for each of your education locations. In which case you may call the education location "ED01", "ED02" etc.
    • Set the name to "Education"
    • Turn the quarantine checkbox to true
    • Set the supply type to "Quarantine"
    • Click on the save button to save your new location
  • Note. The actual product locations are used, rather than the location, when picking locations in sales, you have to receive or transfer stock to the "EDU" location for each product

Entering receipts for "EDU"

When you process purchase receipts into your system for stock that relates to back to school. Receive the stock into the "EDU" location. That way stock allocation will ignore the stock waiting for education.

Entering education sales

  • Enter all your education sales as usual. But set the supply type to "Ignore",
  • When it is time to ship the goods, click on the "Ship" button on the order. Shipments will be created, as supply type "Ignore" forces every shipment to include the full quantity on order for every order line
  • Change the location on the shipments to "EDU". You can still ship from the "EDU" location if the stock is in that location on a product location record
  • Process the shipment as usual.