Benefits of EFTPOS

Benefits of EFTPOS


Integrated eftpos is a direct integration between the POS and there eftos terminal. The integrated EFTPOS is designed to connect seamlessly for greater efficiency, the solution reduces the risks of balancing and settlement discrepancies. 


The main benefits of EFTPOS include:

  • Reduce errors as staff will not need to type anything
  • Time saving 
  • Reduce training requirements
  • Ability to use EFTPOS in other areas of the system such as handling customer payments
  • Advantages due to integrating to the bank or intergrating through Tyro based upon which integration suits your business

    EFTPOS is very economical to implement. If you have a significant number of Card transactions then EFTPOS intergration would be beneficial

    You cannot have PC Eftpos and Tyro installed on the one work station.
    In respect to the tender, if the funds for PC Eftpos and Tyro hit a different bank account then two separate tenders will be required.