Checking all your customers are setup correctly ready for you to email statements



Open the card list view from Relationships>Cards

Click on view variants and select New

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Name the view something like  "Cards with no completed valid account address"

Then make sure you are on this new view variant filter

Right click on one the column headings in the list view and select 'fitler editor'

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Select the text tab and paste the filter text below into the text tab on your filter editor then click ok

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[Addresses][[Accounts] = True And [Suburb] Is Not Null].Count() = 0 And [Is Customer] = True And [Status] = 'Active'

A list of customers will appear to screen
Work through all the cards shown. Make sure at least one address on that card has the flag of 'Accounts' turned on.

As you correct each customers details, that customer will be removed from the list. Keep on working on your customers until the list is empty.