Using Import File for GNS Wholesale supplier into a purchase order


  1. Turn on the Import File feature as follows :
    1. Navigate to Administration>Advanced>System Types>EDI and set code GNSWHO-EDI-CARDID to the GNS cardid in Readysell e.g., GNSWHO

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  2. Create a manual purchase order
  3. Select GNSWHO as the supplier for the purchase order

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  4. Click Import File

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  5. Select a GNS purchase order file in Excel format file to import, see attached for a sample file 

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  6. Purchase order displays the imported lines 

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    The purchase products must exist in Readysell for the function to import the file fully. 

    E.g., If a product-id does not exist in Readysell the "Product" field above would be blank and will not be validated.

  7. Process the purchase order as usual