Basic Product Import

Basic Product Import


This procedure covers the basics of import a new product into your Readysell system from a spreadsheet.

This procedure shows one way to import the basic information for one new product. There are many other ways to achieve the same result and there are may ways to import more information about a product.

You only need a text file containing your product id, name, cost and sell price inc tax to create a product using the procedure below.

Once you have successfully run through this procedure once. You can create bigger input files to import more products. You can also add more columns to your inport data to import more fields to to import things like supplier from the spreadsheet instead of forcing supplier (and other fields like tax code) to the same value for all products.


Step 1 Create a test CSV file

Create a CSV file containing one productid and the name being “TEST”. We will use this file to test importing just one product. As per the example below

Step 2 Create a basic product import layout

Go to the Readysell imports module, copy the existing “Product Import” and create a new import called “Basic Product Import” that looks like the following. Then save your import layout:

Step 3: Import your test csv file with your basic product import layout and check the product imports as required

Click on the “Import” button and select the CSV file you created earlier


When the import completes. It should show that one product was created:

Then go to the product list view and check to see if your product is now on the product file:


Step 4: Add a cost to your test csv file

Edit the test csv file you created earlier and add an additional column for Cost. As shown below:

Step 5: Create a basic product supplier import

Copy the product supplier import in the import/export module and create a new import called Basic Product Supplier Import. As shown below:

Step 6: Import data using your basic product supplier import and check it works

Click on the “Import” button above your basic product supplier import.


When the import completes, it should show that one product supplier record was added.

Go to the test product and see if the product supplier cost has been updated.

Step 7: Add a sell price inc tax to your test csv file

Edit the test csv file you created earlier and add an additional column for Cost. As shown below:


Step 8: Create a basic sell price import

Copy the product price level import in the import/export module and create a new import called Basic Product Price Level Import. As shown below:

Step 9: Import data using your basic product price level import and check it works

Click on the “Import” button above your basic product price level import.



When the import completes, it should show that one product supplier record was added.

Go to the test product and see if the product sell price at list updated.

Then continue to extend the number of fields on your csv file and your imports until you are importing all the data you need. All product imports direct to the product file can be built from the basic import above. But there are two many options to show them all here.



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