Price Book Import

Price Book Import

Please Note:

Before Importing the data into the Import/Export Module you would need to configure the spread sheet to have the following data in the exact order as below;

  1. Product Code.
  2. Description 
  3. Cost Price 1


  1. From the Navigation Panel click "Import/Export"
  2. Highlight an existing Price Book Import and Click "Copy"
  3. Change the "Name" to be the name of the Supplier. Example: Price Book - OKI
  4. Set the "Sheet" to be the sheet number on the spread sheet.

  5. Set the "Start at Row" to be the same number as to where the data begins on the spread sheet, do not start at the row of the header which is normally row 1. 
  6. Set the "Import/Export Format" to be the same format as the spread sheet. 
  7. Add the "Supplier Card ID" to the static Value, and leave everything else as is.
  8. Click "Save"
  9. Click "Import Data"
  10. Navigate to where the spread sheet is kept and Click "Open"
  11. Once complete the following will appear and you Click "OK"