Bulk Update Runs

Bulk Update Runs


The bulk update runs allow you to update all or a subset of your product, card, person or machine records without having to update manually or perform an export/import operation.  Simply select the data type you’re updating, choose a field and enter a new value.  Extract a list of proposed changes and post when you’re happy with the result.

Bulk update runs can take hours to build. Run them on a machine that you don't need for the day when you are initially extracting them. 

Do not update product categories on products with bulk update runs. The reason is, bulk update runs are intended to update fields that exist only on each particular file, not links between files. Product category on products is a link between product and category. As a result the product category will be set to blank if you try to update it with a bulk update run. The same warning applies to all fields that are links on any file.

Getting Started



ExtractGenerate the lines for this bulk update run
PostUpdate your products with the changes shown in this bulk update run
ParametersShow the parameters used to extract this bulk update run


TypeThis is the transaction type for the bulk update run BLKRUN (Bulk Update Run)
NumberEach time you create a new bulk update run it gives that run a unique number corresponding the transaction type
StatusThe status of the bulk update run
DateThe date the bulk update run was created
NameThe name you have given the bulk update run
Data TypeThe type of data you are updating through the bulk update run

Lines tab

RecordThe record that was updated
FieldThe field that was affected by the update 
Old ValueWhat the old value was before the update
New Value

What the new value is after the update.

Field typeWhat to enterExamples
TextThe text you'd like in the fieldThis is an example
NumberThe number you'd like in the field
  • 1
  • 12.5
FlagEither "True" or "False" depending if you want to turn the boolean flag on or off
  • True
  • False
Drop Down

Depends on the type of the drop down. For details on specific types, see:

  • Non-Stocked Products (Level 1)
  • PrintImmediatelyandEmailBatchAutomatic