Uninvoiced/Outstanding Purchase Receipts

Uninvoiced/Outstanding Purchase Receipts


There are two main reasons for having many uninvoiced purchase receipts:

  • The receipts were finanlised correctly, but never invoiced

  • A first receipt was processed and (in most cases) invoiced. Then a second receipt was processed for the goods in error. Either from the purchase order or via a manual receipt.

  • To identify duplicate receipts, review the list of receipts on the related purchase order or if there is no purchase order on purchase receipts

In both cases the action required is to invoice the receipt:

  • For genuine receipts, obtain the relevant invoice information then invoice the receipt to the normal supplier

  • For duplicated receipts:

    • Particularly if the duplicate receipt is quire recent and if the goods have not been subject to a stocktake since the date the receipt was finalised. Then reverse the receipt with the reverse button if you can. (Note: We can’t normally reverse the receipt as by the time you have found it the goods have normally been sold. )

    • If a stocktake has happened for any of the goods on the receipt since the date of the receipt or if you can’t reverse the receipt using the step above as the goods have been sold. Then invoice the goods to a MISC supplier, as described in detail below. Then credit the MISC supplier.


Invoicing valid receipts that have not yet been invoiced.

Once you have worked out what does need to be invoiced because there was never an invoice on the supplier's account, then invoice it by getting a copy of the purchase invoice from the supplier.

Manually invoicing one or more finalised purchase receipt

Invoicing duplicated posted purchase receipt to a MISC supplier.

Once only, before you start invoicing any duplicated receipts that can’t be reversed to the MISC supplier. You have to create a MISC supplier and set the status on this supplier to be on stop.

Invoice all the uninvoiced purchase receipts to this supplier, by navigating the uninvoiced purchase receipts and clicking on the Invoice action button on each one.

On the invoice, firstly ensure to change the supplier to MISC from the existing supplier
Ensure you select the Cost method of 'Do not update costs'
Click on Default the total
Leave the value of the purchase invoice to be the same value as the purchase receipt.
Finalise the purchase invoice
An open item will apply onto the MISC supplier card.
​Repeat all of the above steps for all of the purchase receipts that have not been invoiced to the supplier of MISC if they have an existing purchase receipt and invoice.

Then navigate to the card to write off the invoices as they are already invoiced originally.

Navigate to the Cards Module
​Find the card and highlight the supplier of MISC
Work out the total value that you have invoiced to this Misc Supplier for those duplicated purchase receipts

Use the new action button, drop down the list and select new and select "supplier Credit".
Create a supplier credit and post it against the gl account of stock qty adjustment or an appropriate stock adjustment gl account. You can speak to your accountant as to which general ledger account you wish to use.

You may need to make available on the General ledger account the transaction type of Supcre.

Restricting Transaction types from a General Ledger Account



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