Restricting Transaction types from a General Ledger Account

Restricting Transaction types from a General Ledger Account

Readysell allows you to restrict certain transaction types from a General Ledger Account to reduce the chance of errors.

Transaction Types:

CBKDEP - Bank Deposit
CBKPAY - Bank Payment
SUPCRE - Supplier Credit
SUPDEB - Supplier Debit
CUSCRE - Customer Credit
CUSDEB - Customer Debit
GLJMAN - Manual General Ledger Journal 

  1. From the Navigation panel, click on Financials> General Ledger> Accounts 

  2. Select List view
  3. Search and highlight the general ledger account in question
  4. Click on Settings tab in the detail view list

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  5. Click on tab Available Transaction Types tab

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  6. Click on New to add the transaction type

  7. Select from the drop down filter the transaction type. In this example it is cashbook payment that I am adding to the general ledger account, CBKPAY. Then select a default tax code for that transaction type
  8. Click on Save and Close