What do I get for my Readysell Pro data conversion
Readysell's data conversions from your old system happen early in the project. So that your team are working with data they understand from the day training starts. As the project progresses, we may fine tune the data conversion or repeat some of the conversion steps. The exact procedure for your business can be varied to suit your individual requirements. We suggest you read the explanation below and feel free to contact Readysell support if you have any questions.
Up to three conversions
We normally do three data conversions for you:
- Stage 1, all you data required to train and test using the customers, product, suppliers and sales history from your old system
- Stage 2, Optional final master conversion from your old system. About one week before go live weekend. Repeat the stage 1 conversion, You can then edit your master data in Readysell, as we don't import it again. You can need to request the stage 2 conversion.
- Stage 3, on the Friday night of the go live weekend, import master file data if there was no stage 2 conversion, your sales history and current purchase orders, stock on hand, debtors and creditors balances again.
You may get some included training and implementation assistance hours. Those hours can be used on training or on implementation assistance. Such as our support team assisting you by explaining the various checklists with you and helping you review data. Training and data review by Readysell will count as training and implementation assistance hours.
The standard information we normally try to import from your existing system:
- Products,
- Product units, if your product data has each and pack units,
- Product categories from your existing systems departments. We put them under a category of 'Store Products'
- Stock on hand for products
- Product price levels, either one sell price level or multiple. Considering the way you calculate sell prices on your old system
- Product locations if stock is held in multiple locations within your site
- Product suppliers. Just one for each product at lest, if you only have one supplier for products. If you don't have a supplier on a product we normally create a dummy supplier
- Bar codes
- Sale invoices and lines
- Product movements from sale invoices
- Sales orders and lines including sale back orders if possible
- Outstanding purchase orders and lines
Relationships (customers and suppliers)
- Cards for customers and suppliers
- Customer open items. Balanced to your customer trial balance
- Supplier open items. Balance to your supplier trail balance
- Addresses for customers and suppliers. There is usually some maintenance required as only suburbs that match both suburb and postcode are imported
- Contact people at customers and suppliers
- Card bank accounts
- Contract prices if required and possible
Service if you use the service module
- Machines
- Machine meter prices and current counts
- Any other data that can be exported from your old system. If possible such as parts, accessories, service history.
Cost and benefits of ODBC data access
If your existing system has ODBC data access. Readysell can probably extract all the data from your system into a staging database. This will allow us to do a better job then extracting the data from your old system using reports. There may be a cost to getting ODBC access. But it will:
- Reduce your data conversion cost. As Readysell will be able to use less hours to import your data
- Improve the quality of the data conversion. As having access to everything allows us to do a better job
We recommend investing in purchasing ODBC access for your existing system if required
Readysell will let you know if your system is one of the ones where ODBC access is recommended. MYOB up to version 19 and Attache are two system that normally require ODBC access
Also data merges and data cleansing assistance
In addition to importing data from your existing system, we may optionally be able to do some of the following:
- Match you customers and contact people to your buying groups website. We get around 80% automatic matches in most cases
- Optionally if requested. Convert your product codes to your buying groups product codes where possible by matching barcodes. The extent we can do this for you varies. But if asked we will convert as many as we can.
- Flag as archived customers and suppliers that you have not used for a long time. Includes reports showing you suggested changes and results
- Flag as archived products that you have not sold for a long time and which have no stock. Includes reports showing you suggested changes and results
- Mass updates to assist with Intergration to your buying groups services such as loyalty system, automated marketing, sales force and some 16 other points of intergration
- Mass load of outer bar codes collected by Readysell from other dealers. Greatly improve the speed of your purchase receipt scanning
Additional data cleansing assistance
If requested, we may be able to help you make a start on some data cleanup:
- Mass updates to your converted data to adjust flags, turn on options and otherwise speed up and assist you with tidy up of your data.
- Custom list reports and sql reports to help your team understand data tidy ups
- Access to extensive checklists and training options on how to best tidy up your data and clean it up to make best use of Office Brands services
- Advice on other aspects of manual data cleansing
- Import of data from other sources such as spreadsheets
No need to clean up data in your old system
- Readysell software and our team are great at tidying up data
- You don't need to fix addresses, delete old products, change codes, do a stocktake or take any other action to tidy up your existing data
- Readysell will help you tidy up the data in the Readysell system. While this will still take some work by you and your team. There are several advantages:
- Tidying up data in Readysell can be seen as part of your general training. If forces you and your team to start getting used to Readysell
- We have lots of scripts that we can use to mass update a lot of tidy ups. Further saving you time
- Readysell itself is great at sorting and filtering data. You will find Readysell a very friendly place to fix the data
- Even stocktakes are a lot faster in Readysell. If you do need a stocktake, you are best to wait a while until the first days of the live Readysell system are out of the way. By then your team would have
- made any mistakes they are prone to as new users. The stocktake will then give you a cleaner result.
Don't tidy up your data before it gets converted to Readysell. Wait until later in the project and use Readysell's excellent data cleanup tools and scripts to get the job done faster while training your staff at the same time. Time invested in the old system is wasted time, put your time into Readysell.
Once you go live, there may be a charge if Readysell is asked to import data from your old system that was not previously requested before the go live date.