Merging Purchase Orders for the Same Supplier


  1. Enter the Purchase Order either Manually, via Purchase Run, from the Sales Backorder, from the Sales order
  2. Once all purchase orders have been entered for the One supplier. Do Not Email yet.
  3. Go to Purchase orders list view
  4. Filter by Supplier by typing the Supplier code in the Supplier Text Field Search 

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  5. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on all the purchase orders for that one supplier you wish to merge as one. They will be highlighted

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  6. Now click on the Merge action Button in the top ribbon menu

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  7. You will be prompted with the following window asking you which purchase order you wish to merge into. Drop the selection window and pick one and click on OK

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  8. All purchase orders lines other than the one you selected will be consolidated/merge into one purchase order. 

  9. Check and add more products if you wish.
  10. Then either Email the supplier or EDI the purchase order.
  11. Once the Status is In progress you know it has been sent to the supplier.