Entering and processing a manual purchase order short cut

Only active and obsolete products can be entered in a purchase order.

  1. In the Navigation panel, click on Purchasing, then click on Orders

  2. Click on button New. (the purchase order screen displays) 

  3. Select the supplier from the drop-down list.  You can only have one supplier per purchase order.

  4. In the Lines tab, enter products as follows:

    1. Click on button New

    2. In the Product column, search for and select the product you wish to add. (If the product does not add in, remove out the supplier on this purchase order and try searching for the product again. Add the supplier back in at the end of keying in the purchase order)

    3. Enter the Qty Ordered required.

    4. If Qty Ordered is below the minimum order quantity stipulates by the product supplier (this field is stored in Relationships>Cards>Settings>Supplier Settings>Min Order Qty) then a warning message will display.

  5. Repeat this process for all the products you wish to add to the order.

  6. Once you have finished...

  7. Click on button Send which has 3 options

    1. Email (Background) - this means the purchase order will automatically save and then send straight off to the supplier's default email address without you having to type anything in

    2. Email (Prompt) - this means the purchase order will automatically save and then a prompt window will open showing the supplier's default email address (without you having to type anything into this field), your email address, the subject line.  You can key in the body to the email, check what it will look like before you send it (Preview tab) and see what attachments are on this email (usually only the purchase order by default).  Click on button Send to actually send the email when you are ready.

    3. Print - prints off the purchase order to whatever printer is defaulted in your workstation settings.

  8. You can repeat the creation process for any further purchase orders you need to create.

Once you receive stock from the supplier, you will need to receive it into Readysell. See Purchase Receipts for more information on this process.