KPI Definitions

KPI Definitions

This feature is not available in Readysell Lite. 

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are quantitative measurements of dynamic business processes. For instance, an important performance indicator for a trading company might be daily sales or average sale invoice margin.

There is a growing list of built-in KPI Definitions available to base on when creating your own version.   

  1. From the Navigation panel, double click on Intelligence>Administration> KPI Definitions
  2. Select a KPI definition from the list
  3. Click on Copy to create you version from the built-in
  4. Change Name as required
  5. Check/uncheck Active box as required

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  6. On the Visual tab
    1. specify the RangeStart
      1. click on the (question) then click on <enter a value> and select a date from the drop-down calendar

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    2. specify the RangeEnd in the same way as RangeStart
  7. Select the Direction from the drop-down list (it is recommended to leave to the default value as per the built-in)
  8. Select the Expression from the drop-down list (it is recommended to leave to the default value as per the built-in)
  9. On the MeasurementOptions tab
    1. Select the Range from the drop-down list
    2. Check the Compare box
    3. Select the Range To Compare from the drop-down list
    4. Select the Measurement Frequency from the drop-down list
  10. On the Zones tab
    1. Specify the KPI Green Zone value (everything is OK)
    2. Specify the KPI Red Zone value (things are problematic)
  11. Click on Save and Close to save the change

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