How to transfer points between Customers.

How to transfer points between Customers.

Redeeming Loyalty points can be set for categories or Customer Cards rather than individual products. If a customer Card has the "Loyalty Points Mode" set to "Override" this overrides the product and categories as long as there is a sale value on the sale. If there is no sale value and the Product has "Loyalty Points to Redeem" filled in this then takes place on the sale. 

How points are loaded into Readysell

When you load a catalogue into Readysell, any loyalty point information from that catalogue will also be loaded into your product file. However, you can also set loyalty points manually. See below example for guidance:

To set product to gain points set the product that is to have 'LoyaltyPointsGained' with the points redeemed property of the product set to 1. 

To set product to Redeem points set the product that is to have 'LoyaltyPointsRedeemed' with the points redeemed property of the product set to 1. 

You can also set points on the Product Categories and customer Card. See Setting loyalty points for a product category and Setting loyalty points mode for a customer

How to redeem points from one Customer

If "Loyalty Points to Redeem" is set on the Non Stock Product follow the below procedure and  If a customer Card has the "Loyalty Points Mode" set to "Override" and you want to redeem points from the customer using the 'Loyalty Points to Redeem" on the product follow the below procedure.

  1. Log onto your Readysell test system.
  2. In the Navigation panel, open Relationships, then open Cards.
  3. Review the customer card (Settings tab> Customer Settings) to confirm they are set up properly to receive loyalty points. Also note down the current points balance for the customer card.
  4. Review a product (and/or product category) to confirm the points gained for a product are set up correctly.
  5.  In the Navigation panel, go to Sales then Orders.
  6. Click New in the ribbon. The New Sale Order screen displays.
  7. Select the customer’s Customer Code. You must enter the customer code, otherwise Readysell will not be able to assign points.
  8. Enter the customer order number if there is one.
  9. In the lines tab enter or scan the product that has a positive value set in "Loyalty points Redeem" .
  10. Enter a Quantity for the product ensuring the Value of the line is set to $0.

  11. Complete the Sale. 

How to Gain points from one Customer

You will need to set a non stock product that has "Loyalty Points to Redeem", and if loyalty points gained is filled in on the product and you do a sale for a product with a zero dollar value its should add the gained value from the product onto the customer card. If the line has a value it should use the loyalty points value on the customer card or the product categories loyalty points value.

  1. In the Navigation panel, go to Relationships then Cards.
  2. Find the card, review the customer card to confirm they are set up properly to receive loyalty points. Note down the current points balance for the customer card.
  3. Review a product (and/or product category) to confirm the points gained for a product are set up correctly.
  4. In the Navigation panel, open Sales, then open Orders.
  5. Click on button New in the ribbon. The New Sale Order screen displays. 
  6. Select the customer’s Customer Code. You must enter the customer code, otherwise Readysell will not be able to assign points.
  7. Enter the customer order number if there is one.
  8. Enter or scan the product that has negative value in  "Loyalty Points Redeemed".
  9. Enter a Qty for the product ensuring the Value of the line is set to $0.

  10. Complete the Sale

Below is tables of how the process should work. 

* Create a product with points redeemed as 1 . Using ProductID 'PointsRedeemed'

* Create a product with points redeemed as -1. Using ProductID 'PointsGained'

* Create two cards that are customers set loyalty to default for both. Being cards 'A' and 'B'

* The points balance on the cards should be

CardIDPoints GainedPoints RedeemedPoints Balance


* Complete a sale against customer 'A' using product 'PointsGained' for a quantity of 500 and a value of zero.
* The points balance on the cards should be

CardIDPoints GainedPoints RedeemedPoints Balance


* Complete a sale against customer 'A' using product 'PointsRedeemed' for a quantity of 500 and a value of zero.
The points balance on the cards should be

CardIDPoints GainedPoints RedeemedPoints Balance


* Complete a sale against customer 'B' using product 'PointsGained' for a quantity of 500 and a value of zero.
The points balance on the cards should be

CardIDPoints GainedPoints RedeemedPoints Balance



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