Setting up Satex integration

Setting up Satex integration

Setting up EDI ordering

  1. In Readysell, go to Relationships > Cards
  2. Search the supplier card you are setting up
  3. Click the Settings tab
  4. Click the Supplier Settings sub tab
  5. Add your Customer Username to the supplier's card in the Suppler Acc Number field
  6. Navigate to Administration > Advanced > System Types
  7. Select the "EDI" system type
  8. Based on the supplier you are setting up, set the values in the following system references

Satex Distributors

System Reference CodeDescription
SATDIS-EDI-USERNAMEEnter the username supplied to you by the supplier
SATDIS-EDI-PASSWORDEnter the password supplied to you by the supplier

Setting up Supplier Stock Service

  1. In Readysell, go to Relationships > Cards
  2. Search the card you are setting up
  3. Click the Settings tab
  4. Click the Supplier Settings sub tab
  5. Fill in the Stock Service Branch Code field with the appropriate value from this table:

    Branch Code
    Satex DistributorsSATDIS