Turn on Stock Allocation
Turn on Stock Allocation
Turning on Stock Allocation is required to be turned on for Auto-Warehousing. Before turning on Stock Allocation, the system quality must be good before processing with the following steps.
Run a bulk update to set the maximum shipments per customer to 2
Run a bulk update Customer from "Ignore" to "Allocated".
Enable stock allocation
- Run this query to bulk update all outstanding sale order lines to “Allocated” supply type:
UPDATE saleorderline l, saleorder h SET l.SupplyType = 7 WHERE l.SaleOrder= h.Oid AND h.Status NOT IN (3, 5) AND l.SupplyTYpe = 3;
- Run the “Allocation Outstanding Orders” task
Once this Stock Allocation has been Enabled, Proceed with configuring the Auto-Warehousing set-up