Product Serial Numbers

Product Serial Numbers


The Serial Numbers tab contains information about 

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The serial number.


The product’s code and name in the system.

In Stock

This is checked if there are any of this product in stock.


The customer who purchased the product with this serial number. This is blank when you are creating a new one.


The supplier who provided the product with this serial number.


This tab shows the movements of the product with this serial number. This includes purchase orders. Presumably it includes service orders too. I don't know if it includes purchase orders for related products.

When you create a new serial number, these fields are all read-only.

Once you have entered a serial number, you can change the Product, Customer and Supplier fields. You can’t change In Stock – presumably this is auto-generated based on whether there are any of these in stock.

To create a new product serial number

Click New to create a new product serial number. Enter the serial number which is the only field that needs to be filled out and the Save and Close.,

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Best practice is that both flags should be on for "Serial Req For Purchase" and "Serial Req For Sales" and you should be receiving in the stock with the serial numbers on them along with selling them with serial numbers on them.

  • If you are manually adding a serial number to a product, make sure at the time of selling that product with that serial number that you turn off the "Serial Req For Purchase" on the Settings tab on the product file for that Product.  Once you've invoiced the product, then you must remember to turn that flag back on again for "Serial Req For Purchase".
  • If you've added the product to a sale before turning off the Serial Req For Purchase flag, save and refresh that sale window, then on the serial numbers tab, click on Insert, select the serial number required that does not already have a customer on it and that matches the product you are selling.

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