Serial numbers

Serial numbers

Serial Numbers
Serial Number flag in the product1-1
Purchasing the Product with a serial number2-2
Purchase Receipting products with a serial number3-6
Selling the product with serial number attached to it 7- 8
Serial Numbers browse window9-16
Serial Number Status11-11
Serial Number Product Movements12-12
Serial Number Special Orders13-13
Serial Number Metre Readings14-16
Serial Number Required Flag In The Product...

Product MUST have "Serial Number Required" flagged as on.
Click on <OK> to save this flag as on. Purchasing A Product With A Serial Number...

The serial number is not requested at this time because you are only ordering the product at this stage.
Purchase Receipting Products With A Serial Number

Check off the product code, name, quantities received and invoiced, cost ex and then hit the <Default Value Invoiced To Computed Total>
Click on <OK>
You are then asked to accept the receipt. Click on <Yes>
The Serial Numbers Browse window now opens.

Step 1 - Click on <+Insert> to add in a new serial number for one of the received in goods.

Step 2 - Key in the "Serial Number"
Add in any notes that you wish to on the Notes tab

Step 3 - Once done, click on <+OK>

The serial number now appears in the list for that product. Keep on repeating steps 1 through to 3 until all serial numbers have been entered in.

There must be a serial number for each of the qty received of the serial number product/s.

Tag each of the serial numbers you just entered for the serial number product and click on <Select>
This will finalise your purchase receipt. Selling the product with serial number attached to it.
If you are creating a picking slip, the system will NOT ask for serial numbers at this stage.
Serial numbers are only requested when finalising an invoice.

When selling the product, key in the product code and how many bought.
Click on <+OK>

You now need to check the product serial numbers that the customer is purchasing against the ones on the screen. Now tag those serial numbers that match up to those the customer is now purchasing.
(Note: if the serial number is not listed, click on <Insert> to add it in (use steps 1 – 3 on pages 4 & 5 of this manual), Tag it and then hit select. This window will not go away unless you have selected a serial number – DO NOT SELECT JUST ANY SERIAL NUMBER, ONLY SELECT THE CORRECT ONE FOR THIS/THESE PRODUCT/S.)

Use the <Tag> button to tag the serial numbers that match up to the goods being sold.
Click on <Select>
The tender window now appears for you to finalise your sale.
Key in the applicable tender and click on <+OK>
Serial Numbers Browse window
To get to this window, make sure you go into <+ Sales Orders> from the Readysell Main Menu

Click on <Close>

Click on <Serial #>

The Serial Numbers Browse window now appears. Serial Number Status

If you want to know what the status codes mean, click on <Change Serial Number Status>
Click on <Close> when you are finished viewing the status codes.
You should not be changing the status, however, should the wrong serial number have been selected, mark the correct one as being Out Of Stock and the incorrectly selected one as In Stock

Serial Number Product Movements

Left click on a serial number and click on <Product Movements>

This shows you the movements of this serial number.
The first is the purchase receipt that serial number was received in on – receipt number 7
The second is the picking slip number it was sold on – picking slip number 18
Serial Number Special Orders

Left click on a serial number and click on <Special Orders>

This shows you any repairs that went on for that serial number product (if there are any). Serial Number Metre Readings – (if you are using this function, please check with Readysell FIRST)

Left click on a serial number and click on <Change>

Set up the Meter Count Fee 1
Check that the Billing Mode is set to how you want it i.e. PERCOPY
Make sure that the quantities of copies for the Next Service Due Count and the Next Invoice Due Count is filled in.
Also make sure that the Contract End Date is marked with the date the customer is to return the machine by. And then click on <+OK>

Metre readings for this serial number will show in this window
Metre readings are where you have leased out a serial number product (e.g. photo copying machine) and you send out someone to take the metre readings and conduct a service.
The metre readings are added when you click on <+Insert>

Make sure the date reflects the day you took the reading.
Meter count Fee is how much per copy and is auto generated from the set up of the serial number back on page 14.
Key in the reading of how many copies made. Make any notes on this reading that you require and click on <+OK>

This reading is now recorded against this serial number.
Click on <Close> this takes you back to the Serial Numbers Browse.

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