Understanding the "Locations with stock" metric

Understanding the "Locations with stock" metric


This actionable metric indicates the number of locations with at least one product that has stock on hand.

Colour Coding

GreenThe number of locations with stock is equal to or greater than the target.
YellowThe number of locations with stock is within 90% of the target.
RedThe number of locations with stock is less than 90% of the target.


You can view and change the target in the dashboard metrics system type.


What's Next? 

If you only have a few locations, you should plan the stock locations around your business:

  • Retail sites should use locations around two meters across
  • Wholesale sites should use smaller locations to speed picking and stock replenisment

Use stocktake by location to correct your stock locations:

See: Model location only stocktake used to setup your product locations.

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