Extended range products (Office Brands stores)

You should NOT be ticking Display On Website for products that are extended range, catalogue or web 01

  • This can cause duplication of products on your website.  I.e. two lots of ezicode products. 
  • One will have an image, one will not.  The one with the image will be the one Office Brands places on the website.  The one uploaded by your product file will have no image.  Images on Office Brands products are controlled by Office Brands not the store.  
  • And if you have your own store pricing level as well, the additional issue is that the store pricing levels will only be uploaded to only one product (not both) which was placed on the website before the other duplicated ezicode product was added.

You should NOT have duplicate store products to replace the extended range products on the web.

All catalogue and web01 products are placed on the web by Office Brands along with their name, image, sell unit etc.

All extended range products are on the web by your discussion with Office Brands.

You can elect to:

  • show all extended range products on the web
  • show a selection of extended range products on the web (either product by product or by category)
  • or not show any extended range products on the web at all.

You either show selective or all of the extended range product/s or you don't show them at all on the web.

If you are unsure or wish to make changes to the extended range products displaying or not displaying on the web, please contact Office Brands.

If you are unsure as to whether or not a product is extended range, you can:

  • Add the column Last Cat in to your list window in your products module
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  • Log into your Office Brands data portal
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