Pricing in Readysell matches the Office Brands Data Portal but the price on the web is different

If you notice any pricing on the web not lining up to what is in Readysell or Office Brands Data Portal, but the pricing in Readysell is correct, then find and select the product in the product file.


  1. Click on the drop-down on the button called Office Brands

  2. Select the option: Send To Web

  3. This will instantly clean up the pricing on the web.

How did this happen? There are various ways this could have occurred…

  1. The timing may be out from the time that Office Brands releases the data compared to the time that the task Office Brands Product Import in your own site’s Readysell runs and Readysell did use to compare its pricing to the price book and say if different, replace it with store pricing.
    The new pricing uploads will resolve this. Once your store has been set for it, Readysell will correct various pricing issues where pricing has changed or the product has been updated. If the product in question has not been updated, then the correct pricing may not send until you prompt it to do so using the Send To Web as mentioned at the top of this page.
    * (To check if you are on the new pricing upload method - Navigation Panel > Administration > Advanced > Tasks > Office Brands Product Sync > tab Parameters > ProductUpdateVersion - the value should be 2. If it’s still 1, please contact Readysell and we will push your store up the list to be changed over faster)

  2. You may have manually changed the pricing to a store price for an Office Brands product but decided to go back and use the Office Brands pricing. If this is the case, we highly recommend you use the Send To Web function as mentioned at the top of this page.

How to investigate how this happened…

  1. Check that the product pricing matches the Office Brands Data Portal

  2. Open up your website and check the pricing - if it’s different…

  3. Look at the Audit Trail (on tab Tools) to see if a price was manually changed. Someone may have then used the Populate From Price Book button to reset the product. If so, then use the Send To Web function as mentioned at the top of this page

  4. Use the button Related at the top ribbon and select Show Office Brands Messages - are there any pricing upload xml entries, if so, select one by one and look at the XML Request on the right hand side and scroll down the xml until you find the price and it also tells you the price level.

The new pricing upload method can resolve some parts of this issue. Once your store has been set for it, Readysell will correct various pricing issues where pricing has changed or the product has been updated. If the product in question has not been updated, then the correct pricing may not send until you prompt it to do so using the Send To Web as mentioned at the top of this page.