Customer integration with WebX

Customer integration with WebX


In summary:

  • If you have a head office customer with branches and web order approvals are required. Don't fill in the web customer on the charge from branches.

The only unlikely exception is if one of the branches has a contract that applies to that branch and not to the head office customer.

  • Web Customer Name controls sending contracts to the web. If Web Customer Name field is not filled in, no contracts can flow from Readysell to WebX for that card. Though child accounts don't need to send contracts most of the time, so they don't normally need a web customer name filled in.
  • Web Id on contacts in a customer card controls sale orders flowing from WebX into Readysell.  If this is not filled in and a Web ID (customer) logs into your website, places an order on the web, Readysell will not know which customer the web order it is for once the order comes into Readysell sales orders module.

Customer Setup Checks

When first switching over to Readysell, you are able to get a copy of a spreadsheet with your customers' User IDs and Org Entity Names from your head office.
You can use this information to populate the relevant Web ID and Web Customer Name fields in Readysell.

It is vital that you understand that WebID on your customer contacts controls orders coming into your system from WebX and Web Customer name controls contracts going from your system up to WebX

Web ID in Readysell = User ID used by your website
This is used to bring the correct customer account in on a web order.

Web Customer Name in Readysell = Org Entity Name in Web Admin (the underscored/underlined account name in Web Admin)
This is used to send things up to the web like contracts, invoices and customer price levels. (note: you do not have to have a contract for the customer in order to have the price level for the customer go up to the web.  As long as you've set the price level on the customer card and have keyed in the correct Web Customer Name to match the Org Entity Name on Web Admin, the price level will go up on it's own.  If you do not fill in the Web Customer Name then the price level will not flow up to the web and neither will any contracts or invoices etc).

MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO SYMBOLS IN THE Web Customer Name.  examples: @ & ' / .

Trouble shooting procedure

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