Importing competitor pricing data
- First receive your spreadsheet from Head Office.
- In the Navigation Panel, go to Import/Export then find the Competitors Pricing definition that Readysell has set up for you.
Click on the Definition to open it.
Check that the category and data type are correct. For example, for a price book import, the category must be Products and the data type must be Price Book.
In the Import/Export Format field, select the format of the file you want to import. This can be either CSV, XLS or XLSX.
Excel must be run in compatibility mode.
In the Sheet field, select the sheet within the import file where the data is located.
In the Start At Row field, enter the number of the row where the data begins. This allows you to skip over any header rows.
- Open your spreadsheet so that you can compare it with the Import/Export definition and check that the columns are correct. By Left Clicking first and Holding Down the Ctrl Button, highlight the the rows that are not required on the import and Click on 'Delete' or tick the Ignore checkbox on all rows not required. Then Modify/Add any extra Properties that are on the spreadsheets to the Import.
- Setting up the fields to import:
- Column Number is the order in which the columns appear in the import file.
- Caption is the column heading in the import file.
- Property is the exact name of the field within Readysell where you want the data to be imported. This is case sensitive and does not include spaces. For example, the Product ID field must be entered as "ProductID"
- Data Type is the type of data in the field. This will usually be String (for text fields) or Decimal (for currency).
- Make sure that the 'OB EzCode' column is 'Key'.
- If you want to save your changes for future imports, click Save.
- When you have finished, click Import Data to import the data into Readysell.
- Windows opens a file dialog box. Select the file you want to Import, then click Open.
- Readysell will import the data contained in that file, and then display a confirmation message. Click OK to complete the import.