Readysell Pro Project Workflow

Readysell Pro Project Workflow


  • Readysell’s extensively documented onboarding program is best practice for ERP implementation in the Stationery Industry 
  • We engage with your project leader every step of the way to deliver flexibility as well as and adjust our onboarding procedures to meet the exact needs of your business  
  • In addition we also engage with every individual on your team. Defining their touch points with the Readysell system. Then designing, documenting, auditing and signing off customised onboarding programs for each individual in addition to the overall enterprises plan.  
  • The project plan is constantly reviewed to ensure design and implementation are adjusted based on feedback received as the project progresses. 
  • The inherent flexibility of the Readysell product allows us to more easily adapt to the inevitable adjustments that are identified as the project progresses. 
  • There is a continual feedback loop during the project as we build designs, implement training, complete testing we are always adjusting the plan based on the feedback received 
  • The shared Store Priorities.xlsx document allows all team members at your business and at Readysell to log questions, track performance, develop plans, log training, audit training and monitor performance all from one shared document 
  • We take the time to help you review and absorb the extensive scope of training materials, best practice guidelines and project documentation early in the project. So that we can help you then apply them to your business 


  • Define Project and nominate Project Manager 
  • Initial project overview phone meetings 
  • Continually monitor and review the fit between the project plan and outcomes as the project progresses 
  • Project Kick-off 
  • Agree data to be converted at a high level, products, customers, sales history etc. 


Analyse Business Process 

  • Develop a list of any material gaps between your business processes and the features of Readysell. Consider  
  • Review the Quick Reference Guide in order to identify which of the available features are important to your business 
  • This can involve an initial site visit by Readysell to your business or a visit by one of your team to Readysell. 


Identify Business Gaps 

Document Business Requirements 

Defined Data Migration Strategy 

  • Our data migration strategy normally centres around completing the data conversion three times. An initial conversion to aid training. A second conversion of master data closer to the go live date and a final conversion on the go live weekend 
  • Agree on or adjust our standard Readysell Data Conversion Strategy 
  • Agree or adjust our list of What you get for your data conversion 

Define integration Strategy 

  • Determine the existing integration requirements 
  • Determine if there are opportunities to plan for making use of Readysell’s additional integration capabilities, beyond current requirements. 
  • Identify gaps between Readysell’s Web Hooks/API’s and identified integration requirements 

Define User Adoption Strategy 

Finalize Project Plan 

  • Review and approve the data conversion, training and deployment plans 
  • Consolidated all the plans into a shared document Store Priorities.xlsx 


Define Solution Design 

  • Coordinate the feedback from the project engagement meeting, the training engagement meeting, the financials engagement meeting and other project discussions into a weekly step by step plan 

Design Customisation 

  • Define any custom reports 
  • Define custom screen colours, custom list views and screen field customisations by user 
  • Determine user security settings and deploy to Readysell 

Design Integrations 

  • Agree on the integrations to be used from Readysell and the timing of each integration 

Prepare Training Plan 

  • Createda online document that lists the individual training program for each user, defines shared responsibilities and allows for review and training audits to ensure all training requirements are completed effectively and on time 
  • Informed by the information collected during the training engagement meeting 



  • Configure Application 
  • Install Readysell client application on required workstations 
  • Configure your Readysell service 

Develop Customization  

  • Develop and test any report, screen or other customisations 

Develop Integrations 

  • Coordinate with integration partners on design, construction, testing and deployment of custom integrations 

Develop Data migration mapping. 

Develop Training Materials 



Prepare Test Plan 

Execute Test 


Prepare and train users 

  • All training to be logged in the individual training plans setup for each user Store Priorities.xlsx 
  • Training audit to be performed by Readysell for every user as they complete their training program elements. Our training team will report back on any gaps or weaknesses identified in audit process. Training audit results saved to the shared store priorities checklist. 

Migrate source data 

Cutover Business Processes 

  • Most processes cutover on the go live weekend 
  • Some existing processes are discontinued, deployed to later in the first week  or replaced 
  • A best practice program is agreed in advance of the go live date which results in staged implementation of many new or improved processes on a ongoing basis. Many changes may be deferred to some time after the go live date in order to minimise stress on your team and your customers. 



  • Review Project success 
  • Regular weekly, then as the project progresses bi-weekly project review meetings 
  • Regular training and testing feedback though the results of the training audits 
  • Project outcomes survey after go live date 

Transition to Customer Support 

Ongoing Improvement plan 

  • Using the Stage 5 best practice continuing improvement checklist and other materials. We build a roadmap to best practice which is implemented continually 
  • Free Readysell webinars, such as our whats new in Readysell webinars, our ongoing webinar training, mentoring webinar program and our user group sessions are used to embed a culture of continuing improvement into your relationship with Readysell 
  • Encourage your participating in a Readysell best practice mentoring program 




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