Readysell onboarding project training webinars

Readysell onboarding project training webinars


One of the ways Readysell helps you convert to our software by running onboarding webinar programs. We strongly recommend you and your team participate in one of the webinar programs: 

  • The webinars are held at least on a weekly basis. We may run one or two additional webinars if required, giving a max of two webinars per week. You will need to invest around eight hours in attending webinars.
  • Between each webinar you and your team need to complete self training and parallel runs:
    • Readysell Lite sites need to invest around twenty hours of self training. Readysell Lite sites get one remote screen to screen, one on one, remote training session in addition to the webinar training.
    • Full Readysell sites need to invest something like forty hours of self training. Full Readysell sites get a number of screen to screen , one on one, remote training session.

Every lesson in the webinar program is available as a video, so you can watch the session again if you need to or catch up on a webinar that you might have missed.

We tailor the webinar program to each group, selecting the topics most important to those attending each program. You can see the available webinar program modules and full videos of onboarding webinar sessions below. 

The full Readysell onboarding program

Readysell onboarding projects follow a strict implementation strategy:

  • We setup our Readysell client program on your computers
  • We do a number of data conversions at different dates. Readysell converts as much data as we can from your old system. Including sales history and current debtor/creditor balances in most cases. 
  • You then attend four to six weekly webinar sessions and get a single two hour screen to screen training session
  • We normally group a few sites together for the webinar sessions. Depending on the needs of each onboarding group. But we may onboard a new Full Readysell site independently, without any other sites in the onboarding group.
  • There are a number of engagement meetings which you must attend, we adjust the dates to suit you
  • There is a self training program supported by a number of remote screen to screen training sessions
  • Readysell may have a team member on site before the go live date
  • You must sign off on a series of go live checklists before Readysell will let you go live. You will have to attend most of the onboarding training webinars, engagement meetings and sign off all the items on every acceptance checklist before the go live date.
  • We go live over a weekend and there is normally a Readysell team member on site.
  • Readysell will conduct training audits with your team and report back to you on how Readysell your team is for the conversion.
  • Normally go live over a weekend with Readysell team member/s on site.
  • Once you go live, Full Readysell sites have access to email/ticket based support and phone support. 

The Readysell Lite onboarding program

Readysell lite onboarding is not as strict:

  • Readysell setups up your cloud client and work with the onboarding group to set a go live date 
  • We normally import your existing customers, suppliers and products into Readysell Lite. We recommend considering skipping import of some data to help getting a cleaner result. Some sites skip import of some customers or even all products. Electing to start products again from data feeds.
  • You then attend four to six weekly webinar sessions and get a single two hour screen to screen training session. We focus on the basics, following the Readysell Lite training quick start guide.
  • The you get one two hour screen to screen training session near your go live date
  • Each Readysell Lite group goes live at the start of a month. We try to get the whole group to go live on the same day
  • Readysell Lite sites may parallel run Readysell and their old program for the first few days.
  • Do not have to have to sign off each of the approval checklists. 
  • Normally go live as a parallel run, with data being entered into Readysell Lite and your old system for the first few hours/days after you go live on Readysell Lite.
  • Once you go live, Readysell Lite sites have access to email/ticket based support. 

What should I do to get started?:

  • Let Readysell know any question you have
  • When you are Ready, let Readysell know you want to go ahead with Full Readysell or Readysell Lite
  • We want you to start thinking about a go live date. You should take no less than four weeks and no more than eight weeks to complete the onboarding program. Start thinking about We will move your tentative go live date by for example a week if we find you are not ready on the date you are aiming for. We normally don't set a firm go live date until the last week before you go live on Readysell.

Those sessions work better if everyone feels free to discuss their own project openly. As a result we ask that everything discussed at the webinars be kept confidential

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We always mix and match the webinar program to suit each onboarding group. There are some ten elements in the webinar program, listed below. We cover two or three webinar elements in each session. Resulting in around four to six weekly webinar training sessions for each group. Your project leader and key team members should attend all webinars. But you can watch the prerecorded videos from previous onboarding programs if you miss one week or need to view the material again.

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Popular Readysell and Readysell Lite Onboarding Videos

All the main videos from the onboarding program are shown below. You can catch up any webinar sessions you miss, or on all those onboarding videos generally, using the list of videos below. Without having to go to the Readysell YouTube channel or searching through the individual documents. Make sure you do watch all the videos relevant to your business.

For instructions on how to play the videos below, see How To Play Videos

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