Readysell Support Policy

Readysell Support Policy


This document covers how Readysell support is administered, delivered and charged. The policy aims to explain how our support services are implemented to help us effectively work with you and your business, ensuring your software investment is working as best as it can.

Requesting Support

There are multiple channels you can use to request support, including:

For urgent severity issues, we request that you follow up your ticket with a phone call to ensure we correctly prioritise your support case.

For all other issues, the best method to use is the “Contact Support” button in the Readysell application. Using this will automatically attach screenshots and log files which are helpful to the team looking into the issue.

When creating tickets, please break up each request into a separate ticket. As we share work around the team, your issues will be addressed faster if they can be split up and worked on by multiple different people at once.

Support Hours

Regular support is provided 8:30am to 5:30pm Australian Eastern time on regular business days in Sydney.

If you require urgent support outside of these hours, you can call our telephone helpdesk and request to be transferred to an after-hours support agent. (Please note, all non-urgent after-hours support will incur a charge).

Tracking Support Cases

Readysell utilises a ticketing system (Freshdesk) to record and track customer support. All support requests that cannot be immediately resolved are recorded in the ticketing system to ensure timely and effective resolution.

Setting Support Priorities

To ensure fairness and timely resolution of issues, we prioritise all cases based on the impact to your business and your customers.

Support Services

We will provide Support Services for the Software in accordance with the availability hours and response times set out in the table below. Support Services will include:

(a)      telephone, email and Zendesk support to assist Users in using the Software;

(b)      updating the Software as necessary to rectify defects, comply with changes in legal requirements and enable compatibility with new releases of software and hardware as specified in any updated Minimum System Requirements we set from time to time for new releases;

(c)      providing new versions of the Software (at our sole discretion) with improved or added functionality.

Severity LevelDescriptionAvailability hoursResponse timeResolution steps
1Routine query on general issues and troubleshooting  8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding public and bank holidays) for direct Readysell telephone support24 hour x 7 days a week email notification at support@readysell.com.au24 hour x 7 days a week Zendesk ticketing platform available through Readysell web portalEmail and/or telephone response within 48 hours (during business hours) acknowledging the issue and indicating what follow up action is being taken.  Follow-up email to confirm once issue resolved.
2Minor issues not affecting operation8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding public and bank holidays) for direct Readysell telephone support24 hour x 7 days a week email notification at  support@readysell.com.au24 hour x 7 days a week Zendesk ticketing platform available through Readysell web portalEmail and/or telephone response within 24 hours (during business hours) acknowledging the issue and indicating what follow up action is being taken.Follow-up email to confirm once issue resolved.
3Serious issues involving partial operational failure8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding public and bank holidays) for direct Readysell telephone support24 hour x 7 days a week email notification at support@readysell.com.au24 hour x 7 days a week Zendesk ticketing platform available through Readysell web portalEmail and/or Telephone response within 12 hours (during business hours) acknowledging the issue and indicating what follow up action is being taken.Follow-up emails updating on key milestones achieved towards resolution of issue and to confirm once issue resolved.
4Critical issues involving total operational failure8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding public and bank holidays) for direct Readysell telephone support24 hour x 7 days a week email notification at support@readysell.com.au24 hour x 7 days a week Zendesk ticketing platform available through Readysell web portalTelephone and email response within 4 hours (during business hours) acknowledging the issue and indicating what follow up action is being taken.Follow-up emails and telephone calls updating on key milestones achieved towards resolution of issue and to confirm once issue resolv


Unable to Perform Function

"Unable to perform" in the context above means that the Readysell software cannot be used to complete the desired activity and a reasonable workaround has not been provided.

Readysell software support

This includes assistance with how the Readysell software functions and data support.

Bugs and errors

Something is considered a bug when a documented feature of the program does not work as expected.

Financial support

Working with a support agent about financial matters (including the initial setup of Readysell financials).

IT support

Information Technology assistance, including installing equipment, helping you with broken equipment, helping with networking, fixing internet, and email delivery issues.

Custom report

Readysell can make custom reports for you. We warrant any custom reports for 12 months – if reports stop working within this period for any reason, we will fix the reports for no charge. While we make best efforts to avoid breaking changes, unfortunately, there is no way to test upgrades to ensure they don't break your custom reports and as such strongly encourage customers to avoid using custom reports for external reporting such as invoices, statements, etc.


Support calls to Readysell are not intended to provide training. During a support call we try to answer any quick questions. If you need detailed instruction on an area of Readysell, we recommend you book in training. It is not normally possible to keep up with best practice over a long period of time without any additional training. We suggest you plan on a few hours of training time a year to help you keep up with best practice. Training requests should be submitted using the regular support channels.

Readysell also runs regular free web training sessions (webinars) that anyone in your company can attend. The best way to get free training is to take part in those free web training sessions. You are sure to learn from the other dealers attending as well as the course itself and you are able to ask questions at that time on that subject.

Setup assistance

Setup assistance is where we work with you to change information or settings (excluding settings related to financials) in Readysell, it is not regarded as training.

Feature request

Feature requests are suggestions or requests for new functionality or changes in the system. If you want a new feature added to Readysell, please let us know. We can log the request in our “Feature Requests” forum where it can be voted on and discussed. If we decide to add the feature at some point in the future. If you want a new feature more urgently, you can ask us to provide a proposal/quote for the change and if you approve, we can implement it into the system in a timelier manner.

Response Times

We make our best efforts to respond to and resolve all support cases in a timely manner. Our targets for the handling of support cases are as follows:

Urgent30 minutes4 hours
High1 hour2 days
Medium4 hours5 days
Low4 hours10 days

A response is defined as:

  • The first time you speak with a support agent on the phone, or
  • The first time a support agent replies to your ticket

A resolution is defined as:

  • The point at which you and the agent agree the case is resolved and it is closed, or
  • The point at which your request is logged in a more appropriate system (e.g. feature request is moved to the forum), or
  • The point at which the agent closes the ticket because no further action is possible

Response and resolution timers are activated while a ticket is in “Open” status (i.e. waiting upon action from a support agent).


Depending on the nature of the case, support requests may incur a charge. Our objective is to resolve support cases as quickly as possible. We have found that the vast majority of support cases are resolved in less than 15 minutes, which provides confidence that most of your calls will be resolved without charge. We generally see more complex enquiries requiring additional effort or troubleshooting, which naturally can impact the speed in which our team can resolve these requests.

We encourage customers to view support charges as investments in training and best practice as well as pointers to improving your business. If you learn from the investigations you are charged for, they normally point you towards training opportunities and chances to improve your business practices. Charges are investments in running your business better. There is value in the feedback you receive way beyond the answer to a particular question.

Our agents will use best efforts to let you know in advance when support will be charged. If in the course of investigating an issue we determine that a substantial charge could result, we will contact you for approval before continuing work.

All charges are outlined in our standard schedule of fees and charged in 15 minute increments.

Readysell software support
and financial support
Business hoursFirst 15 minutes**
Additional 15 minute increments
After hoursUrgent severity
High, medium or low severity
Bugs and errors
IT support
Custom reports
Setup assistanceStandardPrior to go-live
After go-live
Feature requestsFor consideration
Custom development

* This includes time spent by the support agent performing background investigation and research and documenting the support case (which may or may not be performed while the customer is on the telephone).

** A ‘Reasonable use’ policy applies. Where repeated, short calls for assistance are made within a given period, charges may apply. Speak to our team about the benefits of purchasing training hours in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why haven’t I received a response to my email?

Please ensure the email you have sent went to support@readysell.com.au, not the agent's direct email address. Agents may not respond direct emails about support cases because they have been filtered, expect they are being tracked in the support system, or the agent may not be in the office. If an agent does notice the email, it will be converted to a ticket, so it’s best to directly submit the ticket to the support system to streamline this process.

What do I do if my issue isn’t receiving the appropriate attention?

Remember we are just a phone call away. If you just want to have a discussion or if you have any issues that are not being resolved, please phone our team on (02) 9792 4439. We will help!

When will I receive a fix for my issue?

Maintenance (bug fix) releases come out more frequently than major (feature) releases and attempt to target the most critical bugs affecting our customers. Once your issue is being worked on as a bug, you will be notified by a support agent.

If a bug is critical (production application down, major malfunction causing business revenue loss or high numbers of staff unable to perform their normal functions) then it will be fixed in the next maintenance release provided that:

  • The fix is technically feasible (i.e. it doesn't require a major architectural change)
  • It does not impact the quality or integrity of a product

For non-critical bugs, the developer assigned to fixing bugs prioritises the non-critical bug according to these factors:

  • How many customers are affected by the problem
  • Whether there is an effective workaround or patch
  • How difficult the issue is to fix
  • Whether many bugs in one area can be fixed at one time

We will attempt to fix the bug and release an update as soon as possible, however, ensuring we do not introduce new issues is always a priority. If you have an unresolved bug that you need more urgent resolution on, please respond to the ticket and we will work to see how we can get a fix to you faster.

Why did I receive a charge I wasn’t warned about?

Our agents will use best efforts to let you know in advance when support will be charged, however sometimes this is not possible because:

  • What appears to be a small job can take more time than expected. It is not always possible to predict if a support task will take more than 15 minutes.
  • We can't always tell if the ticket is about a Readysell issue or not until after we have completed the investigation.
  • In the course of investigating the issue we may find that the issue is due to some action of your team.
  • The priority is always on resolving the issue, so we rely on customers being aware of the support policy.

Why did I receive a charge for a third party?

If you ask Readysell to investigate something, you may be charged even if in the end it turns out the cause is something done by a third party. We have invested time and used our skill to work out the cause of the issue and so we may then charge for our time, even if we can't fix the problem, as it has nothing to do with Readysell. We believe it is reasonable to charge for our professional expertise in this case. Readysell has no way of contacting third parties in advance and clearing any charges to them. As we have no way of knowing before we start where the investigation will take us.

If the thing causing the issue is due to lack of information available to Readysell or some other thing that Readysell does not have access to, we may still charge for our work. This means that even if you can define who's caused the problem. If the problem is not caused by Readysell, Readysell may charge you for the work. There will always be some limits to what is done by third parties and some limits to the environment.

How can I dispute a charge?

If you have any questions about charges, please first read this policy then please read the ticket. If you still believe the charge is in error, please email accounts@readysell.com.au or call our accounts team - our support agents are focused on resolving your issues, they are not involved with discussions about charges.

How can I reduce unexpected charges?

If you want to know about every possible charge in advance, you can ask Readysell to quote for all work in advance. This will increase your warning about charges but slow our response rate and normally results in more charges in total, as the 15 minutes free rule does not apply. If you would like use make use of this policy, please email accounts@readysell.com.au or call our accounts team.

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